Ch. 15 (confession?)

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(Narrator's pov)

The Burnett was speeding across the hallway floor, so fast that the ginger almost ended up flying.
His mind was moving 100 miles an hour, and it didn't seem like it wanted to slow down.

'How..? Why? Why now out of all times? Why does he want to ruin the one moment I have...
Mori, I will not let you have your way. At least that's what I'm telling myself-' The Burnett's mind drifted slowly, but surely into a darker place. A place he hoped he would never go back to, cause if he did, he knew what he would try to do.

"-Zia? dazai?! DAZAI?!" The ginger practically yelled at this point, trying to get the taller's attention. He was concerned... genuinely concerned about the brunette boy in front of him.

' what the heck? What happened? Mori-san... had called us into the office, dazai got all cold and numb, now I'm practically being dragged out of the school campus.' The ginger tries his best to steady himself, as he observes the brunette

The taller's eyes were fogged and clouded with a dark and almost death like look to them. He was trying his best to stop himself from hyperventilating. He took long strides out of the campus, almost as if he's on a mission to leave as fast as he can.

His tan coat rippled in the wind as they exited the building. His bandages were Crimpled with some red seeping through, overall, he looks super distraught and was on the verge of having a panic attack.

The ginger knew that something had gotten into his head. But he wasn't able to slow down nor calm the brunette, he doesn't know what happened in the office exactly. But he knows it couldn't have been good. He didn't know how close dazai is having a full-blown panic attack. He doesn't even know what's going through the Burnett mine right now and the vile thoughts that we're going through his head.

' you should really just die, you are no longer human.

But in actuality shuji... when were you ever a human being? Or were you just some toy, puppet, or guinea pig. You were going to be used for something great. Ophelia would be proud. Proud of the thing you are. You are going to help so so much.' The voice had a sinister tone and mischievous laugh.

'Yes, yes~ you're darling Mother. Dazai, the one that left you... all alone... all by yourself with him.
You will always go running back to him. You know your only purpose is to be useful to him. If you aren't what does that make you? Hahaha' the laugh trails off into a psychotic giggle, as the voices start getting to his head.

Chuuya was still following behind with a concerned and confused look.

As they arrived at their destination -Chuuya's house- Dazai let go of his hand before sprinting off the direction of his 'home'

He left the puzzled and concerned ginger behind on his porch. Chuuya is still in shock so he didn't chase after the brunette. Although he would learn to regret that.


Dazai didn't seem to be in the right side of mine when he dropped chuuya off. His mind didn't say on one subject for too long. All he knew that he should not get chuuya involved in his mess. It would be best if he returned home as soon as he could.

When he had finally arrived at his destination. He quickly went up to his bathroom and dug through his cabinets. as soon as he found what he needed, he pulled it out and took a shit ton of pills. Before passing out on the bathroom floor.

———————{Three hours later}——————

The brunette had been awoken by a on his door.
He groggily stood up, as he went to greet the person.

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