Ch.17 (our future)

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(Chuuya's pov)

I woke up to my alarm going off, I was about to throw it- when I heard ane-san yell "don't you dare throw it chuuya! I'm not paying for a new phone if it breaks"

'God, sometimes she knows me to well.'
I thought to myself as I got up, stopping in my tracks when I realize why I was up so early on a Saturday morning.

'Oh shit...I forgot I have to meet up with osamu. Crap- why so early in the morning... I guess I better get ready, I don't wanna be late.' These were my last thoughts before I went into the bathroom to get ready


"Chuuya! Hurry up before you're late!" Ane-san yelled

"Coming! Just give me a sec-!"
I yelled back, before walking into the living room.

"Okay- chuuya, you best be on your way. You don't wanna make dazai wait for you. Do you?"
She said, now facing me.

She looked as if she's been awake for a while now. Her hair was down, yet she was dressed for the day.

I shook my head. "No, thank you ane-san" I say hugging her, before leaving the house hearing a "stay safe". I then close the door and head to the place he said we would meet.

To be honest, I'm has been a week since the incident and we still don't know what things mori did to him.

Mori was arrested, before being released, on the fact that there was no evidence to support our claim. He and his daughter Elise were going back to their normal routine, like nothing ever happened. Osamu ended up moving out and now owns his own apartment. He said that he didn't want to live with mori, but didn't want to trouble ane-san. All I can say is that things are moving really quickly.

we haven't really talked about the thing with mori- or our relationship. So I don't really know what will happen. Calm down chuuya, you'll be fine. Happy thoughts..
I think as the image of 'samu's bloody body laying limply on my lap, flashed before me

My breathing quickened as I fell into thought
'Crap! Not now- please not now. I don't wanna think about this anymore. Please...stop I don't wanna see the blood anymore...he- was barely breathing-...barely alive.' I snap out of thought as I bump into someone

"I'm so-" I start to apologize before getting cut off
By a hand cupping my cheek, as they started to speak

"Chuuya? Are you alright? You look a bit pale..."
They pause, as I look up at them.

It was osamu, the same brunette with hazel eyes. They held to much love and worry in them.

He continued "your not running a fever. If you were feeling unwell, you could have stayed home y'know?"

(Narrator's pov)

"Osamu?" The gingers voice was barely above a whisper.

"Mhm, that's me. Chuuya look at me, I'm okay now. I'm sorry you had to see that, and I'm sorry for leaving you. Chuuya...calm down I'm right in front of you." The brunette said softly as he grabs the shorter's hand holding it to his face, as he uses his other to gently grab Chuuya's face, making the ginger look at him.

The brunettes heartbreaks upon seeing the expression the shorter had... he was crying and looked panicked. He slowly looked into osamu's eyes, letting out a shaking sigh, before starting to speak

"You- you big idiot! Do you know how scared I was?! Do- you know how terrifying it was to hold you in my arms- not knowing if you'll make it?! Yo-" he paused, inhaling sharply. As he held back a sob, pulling away from the others grip

"You...can't just go and say you're doesn't work like that. I saw you, and the condition you were in." The ginger stopped. Breaking eye contact with brunette, before looking back into his eyes. They all so much love and warm in them, so much so that he never wants to look away. But he continues in a stern and upset tone

"And! How dare you! How dare you confess- then go and pass out for a week- almost two! Like- what the hell?! Osamu, I can't believe it. In serious situations, you always try to make light of it. How- how could yo-!" The ginger's rambling got cut off by a kiss.

After overcoming the surprise, the ginger tries to push the taller away from him before slowly melting into it. He was still in tears from the moments earlier, and yet everything he wanted to tell the brunette was hazy. He could only think about what was in front of him, not the past.
The kiss breaks, as dazai starts to speak

"Chuuya, I know my confession was not ideal. So if you wouldn't mind... I would like to formally ask you:

nakahara chuuya, over this past year- that I've gotten to know you. I have come to realize that I'm in love with you, and it's not just because of everything you've done for me. It's more than that, I love your ocean blue eyes. They remind me of the first time we hung out. I love you- for who you are, you care so deeply about me- even before when I was a stranger. I never thought in my live I would be so lucky to meet someone like you. So chuuya, would you do the honors of being my boyfriend?" The brunette says, as a gentle closed eyed smile made its way onto his face.

"Of- of course..! You dummy! Of course, I would love to be your boyfriend. you too. I think I always will" the ginger responses, as he rests his forehead on the others, red dusting their cheeks.

"I love you chuuya, I always will" the brunette said before looking into the others ocean blue eyes and begins to stand up "well, let's start this off right. Come on chibi! We have a date to get to. There's no time to wait!" He continued offering his hand to his boyfriend.

"Hey- o-Samu! I can walk! There's no need to pull me..!" The older said. Now getting drag by the other.

"Where are we going anyway?"
He continued

" complete our firsts. Our first of our future. The future I want to spend with you. No matter what." The brunette responded looking back at the other, with a genuine smile.

He was truly happy right now, they both were.

"Our future?"
The ginger asked

"Our future." Dazai stated


This is the end of the book. Thank you so much sticking around to the end. I do hope you enjoyed it. Until next time!

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