Phase 1 The Avengers

267 3 0

December 2007

Doctors were walking up and down the hallways in a lab preferably going to a cell.

Inside of the cell was Titus Dally an experiment that they kidnapped several hours earlier.

"Get up scum we have things to do today"The guard said roughly picking up Titus from the floor.

Titus complied not like he had a choice.

"Please I have a girlfriend to get back home to please"Titus begged for the guards to have some mercy on him.

"Listen shut up and keep it moving"The guard said hitting Titus on the back of his head with the butt of his gun.

They soon arrived into this room that had a chair a bunch of machines and straps that belonged on the chair.

"Dr Alban I've got him"The guard said pushing Titus into the room.

"Well done Titus I'm here to change your life whether you want it or not I'm taking Revelations I may not have been the one to create the super soldier serum but I know I want you to have it I know it'll work"Dr Alban said putting the super soldier serum into syringes.

"Get him on the table"The doctor ordered the guards immediately grabbed Titus and put him on the table and strapped him in.

"Let me up I want to go home"Titus pleaded but no one listened.

"Listen Titus I've been watching you for a while and your bravery would make a great asset to my team"Dr Alban said unknowingly putting another chemical into the super soldier serum.

"Start the machines"Dr Alban ordered as he started injecting Titus with the super soldier serum.

Titus was squirming in pain and screaming he didn't know what was going on.

"Turn the machines up to 40%"Dr Alban ordered when the machine was turned up Titus screamed in agony even louder and his veins started to go black and his eyes were gold for a split second.

"Boss I think we should turn it off"The guard that noticed his eyes go gold said.

"Why I am this close to success why would I stop now"Dr Alban was frustrated.

"His eyes were gold and his veins are black something's going wrong"the guard pointed out but Dr Alban didn't believe him.

Dr Alban turned the machine up and Titus's eyes were no longer blue they were fully gold. Titus screeched out in pain and ripped the restraints off of him with inhumane strength. And with insane speed Titus got off the table and started running around the room tearing it apart with super speed.

Titus stopped running around for a split second looking at Dr Alban and the guards.

"You you did this to me I will make you pay I will make you all pay"Titus said in a deep voice that was unlike his and he did something he never thought he would do he killed them he killed most of the people in the room.

He used his new found power to run about and tear the place apart.

After he was done with all the destruction he did Titus's eyes turned blue again he remembered everything that happened but he was confused it was like he wasn't in control of his own body.

Titus got scared as he heard police sirens coming toward the lab he used his super speed to get away and ever since then he's been hidden away from everybody thinking he was too dangerous.

Monster Avengers x male OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt