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Natasha and Titus looked around the med Bay hallway for anything Steve could possibly be hiding from them.

"I can't find anything have you found anything over there Ti"Natasha asked Titus.

"Nope I haven't found anything yet did you just call me Ti"Titus responded getting up off the floor little did he know he dropped his necklace.

"Please I'm trying to be nice don't make me take it back"Natasha groaned into her hands.

"No you already said it you can't take it back"Titus laughed walking away checking somewhere else but Natasha noticed the necklace that was nearby where Titus originally was.

"Hey Titus is this yours"Natasha asked picking up the necklace.

Titus looked back at Natasha and saw the necklace that Tyler gave him he started to have a flashback of how he got it.

February 2009

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT OKAY you think I haven't been trying to be here for you"Titus was seen yelling at someone in the kitchen of a house.

"You've been acting different these past 2 years I don't know what you want me to tell you Titus"Shelby Titus's girlfriend said to him.

"How about a little emotional support I was kidnapped Shelby"Titus tried the reason with his girlfriend.

"Is that going to be your excuse for everything now I was kidnapped that's not going to work forever Titus until you could figure it out we're done"Shelby left the house slamming the door behind her.

Tyler walked in shortly after Shelby left.

"So she's the one you've been ditching me for these past few weeks"Tyler said walking up to the railing Titus was leaning on.

"Please Tyler if you're here to yell at me save it for another day okay"Titus couldn't bring himself to look at his best friend.

"T why the hell would I leave you alone when you need me I would be a pretty shit friend if I left you here huh"Tyler said looking at the horizon.

"I guess you could say that"Titus stood up all the way and looked at Tyler.

"Listen man I've known you for too long I'm not going to leave you here when you need me the most all right listen to me don't let her control your life all right you just got to show her what she's going to be missing and that's a good man with personality"Tyler said trying to hype up Titus.

"Unfortunately I'm going to be gone for the next few years but hey I can't leave you without saying goodbye"Tyler said he didn't want to bring this up with Titus but he knew he would have to eventually.

"I'll miss you you know but it's for your future and I can't hold you back"Titus hugged Tyler really tight.

"I will give you this just something to remember me by"Tyler said taking off his necklace and giving it to Titus.

"Dude seriously I can't"Titus said giving the necklace back.

"Well it's either that or a digital photo of me"Tyler chuckled giving the necklace to Titus again.

"I guess I'll take it this time around but you owe me a drink when you get back"Titus laughed.

"Of course I'll be back before you know it"Tyler said giving Titus a bro hug.

Little did Titus know that would be the last time he would ever see Tyler alive.
"Titus hello"Natasha said snapping her fingers in Titus's face.

"Jesus yeah yeah it's mine I must have dropped it"Titus said grabbing the necklace and putting it around his neck so he wouldn't lose it again.

"You okay you zoned out there for a minute"Natasha asked checking up on him.

"Yeah I'm doing just fine"Titus looked over and saw a hard drive in the vending machine.

"Yeah last time I checked we don't sell hard drives in vending machines"Titus brought up.

Natasha looked over and saw the hard drive stashed in between bubble gum packages in the vending machine.

"Hey I saw you try to phase through a table before do you think you could phase through the glass and get that hard drive"Natasha asked.

"Yeah of course"Titus started phasing through the glass of the vending machine and grabbed the hard drive.

"Do you want a piece of gum while my hand is already in here"Titus asked Natasha.

"Sure why not"Natasha said Titus grabbed a piece of gum as he took his hand out.

He gave Natasha the hard drive and the gum. They waited a few hours for Steve to arrive and when he did he looked in the vending machine to see the hard drive was no longer there and then he saw a Titus and Natasha in the reflection Natasha was chewing gum and Titus was just looking at him.

He grabbed Natasha by the arm and dragged her into a room Titus followed closing the door behind him. Ready to step in if he needed to

"Where is it"Steve asked Natasha pinning her against the wall.

"Safe"Natasha replied knowing he was referring to the hard drive.

"Do better"Steve said he was angry but both Natasha and Titus knew he wouldn't hurt her.

"Where did you get it"Titus asked Steve.

"Why would I tell you"Steve growled at Titus.

"Fury gave it to you why"Natasha asked putting the pieces together of why Nick was actually in Steve's apartment.

"What's on it"Steve asked Natasha not letting her go.

"We don't know"Titus said stepping in.

"Stop lying"Steve was getting more frustrated by the second.

"I only act like I know everything Rogers and you know Titus won't lie to you"Natasha said bringing up a good point.

"I bet you knew Fury hired the pirates didn't you"Steve harshly directed toward Titus.

"Well it makes sense the ship was dirty Fury needed to way in so do you"Titus responded simply.

"I'm not going to ask you again"Steve threatened walking toward Titus.

"I know who killed Fury most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists but the ones who do call him the Winter Soldier he's credited with over two dozen assassinations in the last fifty years"Natasha bought up gaining Steve and Titus's attention.

"So he's a ghost story"Steve asked still very intrigued.

"5 years ago I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran somebody shot out my tires near Odessa we lost control went straight over a cliff I pulled us out but the Winter Soldier was there I was covering my engineer so he shot him straight through me"Natasha told the story as she pulled up her shirt showing a huge scar on the right side of her stomach.

"Soviet slug no rifling bye-bye bikinis"Natasha finished her story pulling down her shirt.

"Yeah I bet you look terrible in them now"Titus sarcastically said he was play flirting.

Natasha smiled when he said that knowing he was kidding.

"Going after him is a dead end I know I've tried like you said he's a ghost story"Natasha said pulling out the hard drive from her pocket.

"Well let's find out what the ghost wants"Steve said taking the hard drive from Natasha as Natasha and Titus followed Steve out of the med Bay.

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