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"I'll take Natasha Titus and Clint"Steve said as they were walking to the front of the farmhouse.

"All right strictly recon I'll hit the Nexus I'll join you as soon as I can"Tony said.

"If Ultron is really building a body"Steve started a train of thought.

"He'll be more powerful than any of us maybe all of us an Android designed by robot"Tony said finishing Steve's thought.

"You know I really miss the days where the weirdest things science created was me"Steve said.

"I'll drop Banner off at the tower do you mind if I borrow Hill"Nick asked.

"She's all yours apparently"Tony said nonchalantly.

"What are you going to do"Steve asked Nick.

"I don't know something dramatic I hope"Nick responded.

"I am going to finish reflooring that sunroom as soon as I get back"Clint told Laura.

"Yeah and then you'll find another part of the house to tear apart"Laura laughed.

"No it's the last project I promise"Clint kissed his wife before getting on the Quinjet.

The four avengers took off away from the farmhouse.

The four Avengers made it to Dr Cho's lab and Steve and Titus went in to go find her.

"2 minutes stay close"Steve said into his communicator.

"Dr Cho"Titus said running up to her and putting pressure on her wound.

"He's uploading himself into the body"Dr Cho said referring to Ultron.

"Where"Steve asked wanting to know information.

"The real power is inside the cradle the gem it's power is uncontainable you can't just blow it up you have to get the cradle to Stark"Dr. Cho as she was dying.

"First we have to find it"Titus said.

"Go"Dr.Cho said her last words before she died.

"Did you guys copy that"Steve said into his communicator.

"We did"Clint replied through the communicator.

"I've got a private jet taking off across town no manifest that could be him"Natasha said into her communicator.

"There it's a truck from the lab right above you Cap on the loop by the bridge it's them I got three with the cradle and one in the cab I could take out the driver"Clint said as he saw a truck from the lab.

"Negative if that truck crashes the gem could level the city we need to draw out Ultron"Steve said as him and Titus jumped on to the roof of the truck.

"No no no leave me alone"Ultron said.

Ultron blasted the truck door as Steve tried to enter.

"Well he's definitely unhappy I'm going to try and keep him that way"Steve said hanging on to the door.

"You're not a match for him Cap"Clint said into the communicator.

"Thanks Barton"Steve said sarcastically.

Ultron unplugged himself from the cradle and blasted Steve back into another car as he tries to enter the truck but Steve managed to get back onto the truck's roof.

"You know what's in that cradle the power to make real change and that terrifies you"Ultron said.

"I wouldn't call it comfort"Beast said starting to fight Ultron.

"Stop it"Ultron said Steve threw his shield at his chest but Ultron just smacked it away.

Ultron knocked Beast off of the truck just as Natasha was riding next to it so he landed on the back of her bike.

"Oh hi"Beast said hanging on to Natasha for dear life.

"Hi I'm not an Uber but I guess I could be yours but it's $23 a mile"Natasha joked.

"23 that's a scam it should be 40"Beast joked back.

"I'll consider your offer"Natasha said.

"Out of the way coming through sorry coming through"Natasha said to the pedestrians as she was driving on the sidewalk.

"Oh my God where did you get your license"Beast said half joking half serious.

"Clint can you draw out the guards"Natasha asked through the communicator.

"Let's find out"Clint replied through the communicator.

"Nat what are we doing"Beast asked Natasha.

"Getting Clint the cradle"Natasha replied.

"Heading back toward you so whatever you're going to do do it now"Clint said through the communicator.

"I'm heading in Cap can you keep him occupied"Natasha asked Steve over the comms.

"What do you think I've been doing"Steve asked out of breath.

"As much as I would love to stay on your little Uber ride I think Steve needs my help"Beast said jumping off of Natasha's motorcycle and speeding back to the truck Steve was on.

Beast stood right in front of Steve to block Ultron's blast and knocked him in the back of the truck.

"About time you got here don't you think"Steve said out of breath.

"Be grateful I even came back I could have stayed on Natasha's motorcycle"Beast said but before he could attack a red energy wrapped around Ultron bending bars in front of him Steve and Beast looked back to see the maximoff twins.

"Please don't do this"Ultron said in the most monotone voice he could make.

"What choice do we have"Wanda said as Ultron flew off.

"I lost him he's headed your way"Steve said into the communicators.

"Nat we got to go"Clint said into the communicator.

"Nat Cap have you seen Nat"Clint asked into the communicator.

"If you have the package get it to Stark go"Steve ordered Clint but he didn't go.

"Do you have eyes on Nat"Clint asked once again.

"What do you mean do we have eyes on her where is she Clint"Beast asked.

"I don't know"Clint replied.

"GO" Steve ordered again this time Clint reluctantly left.

"Civilians in our path"Steve brought up.

"I got the right side you get the left side meet in the middle"Beast said making a plan.

"On it"Pietro said fist bumping Beast before speeding out of the left side of the train.

Beast sped out of the right side of the train grabbing as many civilians as he could moving them out the way

Pietro and Beast were working as fast as they could to move civilians out of the way of the train.

"Beast six little boys to your right I got three you get the other  three" Pietro informed.

"Got it"Beast replied while grabbing three of the boys.

As Beast grabbed the Three boys he noticed Pietro didn't notice a 4th kid so Beast ran past Pietro grabbing the kid while also pushing Pietro and the kids out of the way of the train.

"Ok that was a close one"Beast said while him and Pietro were taking a breather.

"I know"Pietro replied as Beast leaned into him but he didn't mind.

Monster Avengers x male OCWhere stories live. Discover now