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"And again with you it's my nature it's how I was made to be"Beast said pulling the bloody knife out of the French pirate.

"Okay we're not done here Beast we still have things to do"Natasha informed Beast.

"We could focus on hostages or we can save SHIELD Intel"Beast said pulling out a hard drive he took from Rumlow.

"Where the hell did you even get that"Natasha asked taking the hard drive from Beast.

"Let's just say I have my ways"Beast said walking around the ship looking for the control room.

"Hostages en route to extraction Dally missed the rendezvous point Cap hostiles are still in play"Rumlow said into his communicator.

"Titus or Beast Batroc's on the move circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages"Steve ordered through the communicators but Beast just turned his communicator off.

"Are you sure this is a good idea"Natasha asked following Beast.

"No I'm not sure at all but it's worth a shot"Beast said approaching the control room he opened the door for Natasha.

"Thanks"Natasha thanked Beast before heading to where the computers were.

"No problem"Beast said walking up next to Natasha.

"Beast"Steve said into the communicator again knowing that Titus would have answered by now.

Beast sat in a chair while Natasha was standing up and backing up shield Intel.

A few minutes later Steve tackled Batroc through the steel door to the control room.

"Well this is awkward"Natasha said looking at Steve stand up.

"What are you guys doing"Steve asked walking over to them.

"Backing up a hard drive it's a good habit to get into if you really think about it"Beast answered putting his feet up on the table.

"Rumlow needed your help what are you doing in here"Steve asked looking at Beast but he didn't respond Steve walked over to see what Natasha was doing and saw they were backing up shield intel.

"You're saving SHIELD Intel"Steve looked at Natasha and Beast in disbelief.

"Whatever I can get my hands on"Natasha said taking out the hard drive.

"Our mission is to rescue hostages"Steve said trying to remind them.

"No that's your mission"Beast said as Natasha gave him the hard drive.

"And you've done it beautifully"Natasha said giving Steve a pat on the shoulder and tried walking past him but he grabbed her arm.

"You just jeopardized this whole operation"Steve gritted his teeth.

"I think that's overstating things"Natasha said trying to walk he let go of her arm.

Suddenly Batroc got up and threw a grenade at the three and ran before anyone could take care of the bomb Beast just thought to get them out of there.

Natasha shot the window to shatter it and Beast picked up both Steve and Natasha and jumped out the shattered window just as the grenade exploded.

When they landed Natasha and Steve immediately got up against the wall Beast just rolled to the other side of the ship. But he didn't want to get caught so he used his super speed to get back to where Natasha and Steve were.

"Please tell me no one's about to die because I can put you out of your misery if you are"Beast suggested both Natasha and Steve quickly shook their head.

"Okay that one's on us"Natasha apologized referring to her and Beast.

"You're damn right"Steve stood up and angrily walked off.

The next morning Titus gets a call from Natasha and she sounded really worried.

"Titus you need to come down to headquarters Nick is in the med Bay"Natasha spoke over the phone trying not to cry.

"Nick what the hell is wrong with Nick"Titus worriedly asked.

"He got shot just come down here"Natasha said hanging up.

Titus has never run faster in his life he ran right into the med Bay and almost ran into the glass.

"Slow down there Titus you going to hurt yourself"Steve asked but Titus didn't care he just wanted to make sure Nick was okay.

"Is he going to make it"Natasha asked Steve.

"I don't know"Steve has never felt so helpless.

"Tell me about the shooter"Titus was so angry that Beast started to take over.

"He's fast and strong has a metal arm"Steve recalled what the shooter looked like.

"Ballistics"Natasha asked Agent Hill walked in just as she asked that.

"Three slugs no rifling completely untraceable"Agent Hill told her.

"Soviet made"Natasha finished the sentence.

"Yeah"Agent Hill immediately went back to watching her boss hoping that he wouldn't die.

Suddenly Nick no longer had a heartbeat Titus was getting extremely stressed he was thinking about charging Nick alive himself.

"Come on Nick come on you can't die not just yet"Titus repeated to himself.

Nick didn't wake up he died at 1:03 a.m. Titus couldn't stand looking at Nick's dead body he left the room.

He started punching the wall in the med Bay hallway eventually Natasha came out of the med Bay room to see Titus just punching the wall as fast as he can as many times as he can.

Natasha came up behind him and held him Titus just cried.

"Natasha"Steve shouted throughout the hallway.

Steve saw Natasha holding Titus as he cried.

"Why was Fury in your apartment"Natasha asked Steve.

"I don't know"Steve responded Rumlow came during the middle of their conversation.

"Cap they want you back at SHIELD"Rumlow interrupted.

"Yeah give me a second"Steve turned around to look at him.

"They want you now"Rumlow said.

"Okay"Steve said Rumlow walked away.

"You're a terrible liar"Natasha told Steve as she helped Titus get up.

Steve went to go check on why he was needed meanwhile back at the med Bay Titus was still sitting there in shock.

"I can't believe he's gone"Titus finally spoke.

"Me neither he's done a lot for me"Natasha said standing next to Titus.

"He's the reason I'm not in a cell for eternity he sent Clint to kill me and Clint didn't end up killing me and then Nick put me off of Shield's radar that was amazing"Titus said remembering what Nick did for him.

"Yeah he's done a lot of unimaginable things for me too I'm just hoping he's resting in a better place now"Natasha said Titus nodded in agreement.

"I think Steve's hiding something from us"Titus said completely off topic.

"You think America's good boy is hiding something from us"Natasha said in disbelief.

"I don't know but something's definitely off about him Nick had to be at his apartment for a reason a reason he won't tell us"Titus said Natasha agreed with him.

"Why don't we go find out what he's hiding"Natasha suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea"Titus said.

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