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Titus Natasha and Steve were now at the mall in disguises.

"The first rule of being on the run is don't run walk"Natasha told the two boys.

"Thanks for stating the obvious"Titus noted.

"If I run in these shoes they're going to fall off"Steve said they entered the Apple store to use one of the MacBooks.

"The hard drive has a level 6 homing program so as soon as we boot up SHIELD will know exactly where we are"Natasha said.

"How much time do we have"Titus asked.

"About 9 minutes from now"Natasha said plugging  the hard drive into the computer.

"Fury was right about that ship somebody's trying to hide something this drive is protected by some sort of AI it keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands"Natasha informed while typing on the computer.

"Can you override it"Steve asked Natasha.

"The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me slightly I'm going to try running a tracer this is a program that SHIELD developed to track hostile malware so if we can't read the file we can find out where it came from"Natasha continued to try and override the drive.

"Can I help you guys with anything"An Apple employee walked up to the three.

"Oh no me and my brothers were looking for road trip destinations for a road trip we're going to take soon"Natasha quickly came up with a lie.

"Cool where you guys thinking about going"The employee asked them.

"New Jersey"Titus quickly lied after looking at the screen that picked up a location.

"Oh I have those exact same glasses"The Apple employee looked closely at Steve.

"Wow you two are practically twins"Natasha sarcastically said.

"Yeah I wish these are specimens well if you need me I've been Aaron"Aaron said lifting up his name tag before leaving.

"Thank you you said 9 minutes come on"Steve complained looking at his watch.

"Shh relax got it you know it"Natasha asked him after Steve after he has been looking at the location for a while.

"I used to let's go"Steve said taking the hard drive out of the MacBook.

"Standard tac-team two behind to across two coming straight at us if they make us then I'll have Beast and Steve engage you hit the South escalator to the Metro"Titus planned.

"Shut up and put your arm around me and laugh at something I said Steve look busy"Natasha planned it out Titus did exactly what she said he put his arm around her and fake laughed and Steve looked like he was texting somebody.

Rumlow and the strike team walked right past them.

They were going down the escalator Titus leaning against the railing of the escalator Steve behind him and Natasha in front of him.

Natasha saw Rumlow and the strike team heading up the escalator and turned around toward Titus.

"Kiss me"Natasha suddenly turned around and asked Titus.

"What"Titus was confused he didn't like Natasha like that.

"Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable"Natasha informed.

"Yes they do"Titus agreed but before he could say anything else or ask Natasha pulled him down and kissed him until Rumlow and the strike team made it up the escalator.

"You still uncomfortable"Natasha asked Titus.

"That's a word you could use"Titus followed after Natasha with Steve following behind them.

All three of them were now in a car heading to New Jersey where the drive originally came from.

"Where did Captain America learn how to steal a car"Natasha asked Steve.

"Nazi Germany"Steve replied Natasha just hummed as an answer.

"And we're borrowing take your feet off the dash"Steve order Natasha took her feet off the dash.

"All right I have a question for you which you don't have to answer but I feel like if you don't answer you're technically answering"Natasha said looking back at Titus who was in the backseat.

"What's up"Titus looked from outside the window to Natasha.

"Was that your first kiss"Natasha asked.

"That bad huh"Titus joked but he didn't really know because the last person he kissed that he meant was Shelby.

"I didn't say that"Natasha quickly said.

"Well it kind of sounds like that's what you're saying"Titus said knowing that Natasha knew he was joking.

"No I didn't I just wanted to know how much practice you've had"Natasha asked.

"Come to my office in Paris and you'll know"Titus vaguely said.

"What's that supposed to mean"Steve joined the conversation.

"It means I've been making out with my ex-girlfriend's sister because my ex-girlfriend is a little bit of a crazy woman"Titus said with no care in the world.

"Oh I was not expecting you to say that"Natasha said in shock.

"Yeah no one ever does"Titus looked out the window again.

"You found anyone special yet"Natasha asked Steve.

"Believe it or not it's hard to find somebody with shared life experience"Steve responded.

"You know that's all right just make something up"Natasha suggested.

"What like you"Steve countered Titus was not ready to have to sit in the car and listen to them argue.

"I don't know the truth is a matter of circumstances it's not all things to all people all the time and neither am I"Natasha said.

"That's a tough way to live"Steve looked at her.

"It's a good way not to die though"Titus said still looking out the window.

"You know it's really hard to trust someone when you don't know who that someone really is"Steve pointed out toward Natasha.

"Yeah that's how working with Beast in the vicinity works"Titus said.

"Yeah who do you want me to be"Natasha said Titus could feel the sexual tension.

"How about a friend"Steve spoke Titus laughed they both looked back at him very confused but he never answered.

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