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Wanda and Steve walked up to an out of breath Beast and Pietro.

Wanda put her arm around her brother's shoulders checking on him.

"I'm fine I just need to take a minute"Pietro said lightly pulling his sister's arm off of him.

"I'm very tempted not to give you one"Steve replied walking up to Pietro.

"Seriously Steve right after me and him ran our top speeds to save somebody not somebody multiple people"Beast said as he was no longer leaning on Pietro.

"The cradle did you get it"Wanda  asked.

"Stark will take care of it"Steve replied nonchalantly.

"No he won't"Wanda replied not believing Steve.

"You don't know what you're talking about Stark's not crazy"Steve said pointing at Wanda.

"He will do anything to make things right"Wanda replied Steve and Beast realized that this was true.

"Stark come in Stark anyone on comms"Steve said into his communicator but got nothing in response.

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it where do you think he gets that"Wanda questioned.

"Rogers looks like we got to pay Tony a little visit"Beast suggested.

The four heroes started to leave toward the compound to see what Tony was doing.

"This framework is not compatible"Tony said looking at a computer screen.

"The genetic coding Tower's at 97% you've got to upload that schematic in the next 3 minutes"Bruce informed Tony.

Steve,Beast and the twins arrived at the compound.

"I'm going to say this once"Steve started to say.

"How about nonce"Tony interrupted Steve.

"Shut it down"Steve commanded but Tony didn't do anything.

"Nope not going to happen"Tony said.

"You don't know what you're doing"Titus said.

"And you do she's not in your head"Bruce asked pointing toward Wanda.

"I know you're angry"Wanda calmly stated trying to show she meant no harm.

"Oh we're way past that I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade"Bruce replied angrily.

"Banner after everything that's happened"Steve started to say but Tony cut him off.

"That's nothing compared to what's coming"Tony said trying to justify everything.

"You don't know what's in there"Wanda and Titus said at the same time.

"This isn't a game"Steve said has the argument continued.

"The creature"Wanda started to say Titus and Pietro looked at each other at the exact same time.

"Should you do it or should I do it"Titus asked.

"I really want to do it I'll do it"Pietro said running around destroying the equipment in the lab.

"No no go on you were saying"Pietro said dropping the tubes that were connected to the body.

Clint shot the glass Pietro was standing on from below it using his arrow causing him to fall to the lower level.

"PIETRO"Wanda shouted seeing her brother fall.

"What you didn't see that coming"Clint remarked while smirking.

"I'm rerouting the upload"Tony said going over to the computer. Wanda tried to stop him but Bruce grabbed her.

"Go ahead piss me off"Bruce threatened Wanda Titus used his speed to make Bruce let go of her.

"Really man come on no need to look like a pedophile and don't hit girls hasn't your mother ever told you that"Titus said with a smirk on his face.

Soon Thor entered the room and hit the cradle with his hammer sending a powerful surge that brings the body to life.

"WAIT"Bruce shouted but it was too late they all stared at the new entity.

Vision launched himself at Thor who throws him at the window but vision catches himself before hitting it.

"I'm sorry that was odd thank you"Vision thanked Thor.

"Thor you helped create this"Steve said looking at Vision.

"I had a vision a whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that"Thor explained pointing at the gem in Vision's head.

"What the gem"Titus asked looking at Vision.

"It's the mind Stone it's one of the six Infinity Stones the greatest power in the universe unparalleled in its destructive capabilities"Thor better explained.

"Then why would you bring it to"Steve started to ask but Thor cut him off.

"Because Stark is right"Thor interrupted.

"Oh it's definitely the end times"Bruce said.

"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron"Thor said.

"Not alone"Vision added.

"Why does your vision sound like Jarvis"Steve asked.

"We reconfigured Jarvis's matrix to create something new"Tony explained.

"I think I've had my fill of new"Titus said rubbing his head.

"You think I'm the child of Ultron"Vision asked.

"You're not"Steve questioned in disbelief.

"I'm not Ultron I'm not Jarvis I am I am"Vision asked himself.

"I looked in your head and saw annihilation"Wanda brought up.

"Look again"Vision suggested to Wanda.

"Yeah her seal of approval means jack to me"Clint said as he finally made it upstairs.

"Their powers the horrors in our head Ultron himself they all came from the mind Stone and they're nothing compared to what it can unleash but with it on our side"Thor said.

"Is it are you on our side"Steve asked vision.

"I don't think it's that simple"Vision responded.

"What do you mean you don't think it's that simple it's a yes or no question do you know what that is"Titus asked vision.

"Well it better get real simple real soon"Clint said agreeing with Titus.

"I am on the side of life Ultron isn't he wants to end it all"vision stated.

"What's he waiting for"Tony asked vision.

"You"Vision simply replied.

"Where"Bruce asked.

"Sokovia he's got Nat there too"Clint responded.

"If we're wrong about you if you're the monster Ultron made you to be"Bruce started to threaten vision.

"What will you do"Vision said looking at all of them.

"I don't want to kill Ultron he's unique and he's in pain but that pain will roll over the Earth so he must be destroyed every form he's built every trace of his presence on the net we have to act now and not one of us can do it without the others maybe I am a monster I don't think I'd know if I were one I'm not what you are and not what you intended so there may be no way to make you trust me but we need to go"Vision said while picking up Thor's hammer flipping it before giving it to him.

"Right"Thor said in shock.

"Well done"Thor said patting Tony on the shoulder.

"3 minutes get what you need"Steve ordered and everybody ran off to go get the things they needed to fight the Battle of their lives.

Monster Avengers x male OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن