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Later that night most of the guests had left now it was only The Avengers sitting in the living room Thor's hammer was sitting on the table.

"But it's a trick"Clint pointed out while twirling drumsticks in his hands.

"Oh no it's much more than that"Thor laughed thinking this was amazing.

"Whoever shall be worthy shall haveth the power whatever man it's a trick"Clint was still convinced.

"Well please be my guest"Thor said pointing toward his hammer.

"Come on"Tony encouraged Clint as he got up.

"Really"Clint asked walking toward the hammer.

"Yeah"Thor gave Clint permission.

"Oh this is going to be beautiful"James Rhodes laughed.

"Clint you've had a tough week we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up"Titus joked the others laughed along with him.

"You know I've seen this before right"Clint asked trying to pick up the hammer but failing.

"I still don't know how you do it"Clint asked letting go of the hammer.

"Smell the silent judgment"Tony asked getting more laughter out of the others.

"Please Stark by all means"Clint offered the challenge to Tony.

Tony stood up he was not going to pass down this challenge.

"Oh here we go"Natasha was very interested on how this was going to go.

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge"Tony Stark said walking toward the hammer.

"Go ahead Playboy"Titus said very interested on how this was also going to go he walked up to Natasha and sat next to her.

"I bet you $25 that he is not getting that up"Titus betted Natasha.

"I think I know better than to make bets with you"Natasha laughed but shook on it anyways.

"It's physics"Tony said looking at everyone.

"Physics"Bruce repeated to Tony like he was crazy.

"So if I lift it I get to rule Asgard"Tony asked knowing the answer.

"Yes of course"Thor replied knowing he was probably not going to get it up.

"I will be reinstituting Prima Nocta"Tony said trying to lift the hammer but failing.

"I'll be right back"Tony said walking toward his lab and coming back with his Iron Man gauntlet he tried lifting it again but it failed.

James even went to go get his war machine gauntlet they both pulled.

"Are you even pulling"James asked Tony.

"Are you on my team"Tony asked James.

"Just represent pull"James and Tony continue to pull at the same time but still failed.

Bruce tried to lift up the hammer and failed but he decided it would be funny to act like he was changing into the Hulk all he got was a smile out of a few people mainly because they were all tipsy.

Steve stood up so he could try to pull it he walked up to the Hammer and grabbed on to the handle.

"Let's go Steve no pressure"Tony encouraged Steve.

Steve starts pulling the hammer moves a little bit but he ultimately can't get it up.

"Nothing"Thor said deep down he was really relieved.

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