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The computer started beeping like crazy indicating that it picked up the location of the Tesseract.

"Sorry kids you don't get to see my little party trick after all"Bruce said walking over to the computer.

"Located the Tesseract"Thor asked Bruce.

"I can get there faster"Tony said not wanting Thor to have the Tesseract.

"Look all of us"Titus was trying to calm the situation down.

"The Tesseract belongs on Asgard no human is a match for it"Thor told Tony.

"You're not going alone"Steve looked at Tony.

"You going to stop me"Tony asked Steve.

"Put on the suit let's find out"Steve said insisting that they fight.

"I'm not afraid to hit an old man"Tony said not moving an inch.

"Put on the suit"Steve insisted yet again but Tony did not listen.

"Oh my God"Titus said looking at what was going on between Tony and Steve suddenly part of the Helicarrier exploded sending Steve Tony and Titus in one direction Thor got thrown in the other direction and Natasha and Bruce fell to the lower level.

"Put on the suit"Titus asked looking at Tony.

"Yep"Steve helped Tony off the floor and Titus followed the two out of the lab.

"The turbines loose mostly intact but it's impossible to get out there and make repairs while we're in the air"An agent said into the comms.

"We lose one more engine we won't be somebody's got to get inside and patch that engine"Agent Hill responded to the other agent.

"Stark you copy that"Nick asked through the comms.

"I'm on it"Tony said as him Steve and Titus we're walking through the corridors.

"Find engine three I'll meet you guys there"Tony said walking toward where his suit was.

Tony Steve and Titus part ways Titus followed Steve as they went to go look for engine three.

Steve used his shield to open the door to the third engine room him and Titus maneuvered through to look for the panel.

"Stark we made it"Titus said into his comms.

"Good see what we got I need you to get to that control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position"Tony ordered Titus.

Titus jumped over a broken railing followed by Steve following shortly behind. Titus found the control panel.

"What does it look like in there"Tony asked.

"It seems to run on some sort of electricity"Steve replied in the comms.

"Well you're not wrong"Tony replied.

"The relays are intact what's our next move"Titus asked through the comms.

"Even if I clear the rotors this thing won't reengage without a jump I'm going to have to get in there and push"Tony said his plan.

"Well if that thing gets up to speed you'll get shredded you're not as fast as me Tony"Titus raised his concern.

"Then get your ass out here and help me out Rogers you stay in the control unit and reverse polarity long enough to disengage mag"Tony said but Steve could not understand a single word Tony was saying.

"Speak English"Steve said.

"See that red lever it will slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out stand by it wait for my word"Tony said Titus ran as fast as he could and found Tony.

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