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"That was dramatic I'm sorry I know you mean well you just didn't think it through you want to protect the world but you don't want it to change how is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve"Ultron asked picking up one of the iron legion robot's heads.

"With these these puppets"Ultron said crushing the iron legion robots head.

"There's only one path to peace The Avengers Extinction"Ultron said Thor was tired of hearing him so he threw his hammer straight through Ultron's body destroying him.

"I had strings and now I'm free there are no strings on me no strings on me"Ultron sang before shutting down completely.

The Avengers were now in the lab discussing what happened.

"All our work is gone Ultron cleared out used the internet as an escape hatch"Bruce informed the group.

"Ultron"Steve said out loud trying to figure out why Ultron was here.

"He's been in everything files surveillance he probably knows more about us than we know about each other"Natasha brought up.

"Okay that is definitely not good what if he wants something more"Titus brought up some of the Avengers looked at him confused.

"He's in your files he's in your surveillance what if he decides to access something a little more exciting"James questioned agreeing with Titus.

"Nuclear codes"Maria caught on to what they were saying.

"Nuclear codes look we need to make some calls assuming we still can"James said.

"Nukes he said he wanted us dead"Natasha asked surprised.

"He didn't say dead he said extinct"Steve corrected Natasha.

"Same difference"Titus mumbled under his breath.

"He also said he killed somebody"Clint brought up.

"But there wasn't anyone else in the building"Maria looked confused.

"Yes there was"Tony said bringing up a 3D image of a destroyed Jarvis.

"This is insane"Bruce said looking over Jarvis.

"Jarvis was the first line of defense he would have shut Ultron down it makes sense"Steve said trying to come up with an explanation.

"No Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis this isn't strategy this is rage"Bruce said.

Thor barged into the lab grabbed Tony Stark by the throat and held him up in the air.

"Whoa whoa it's going around"Clint said standing up.

"Come on use your words buddy"Tony told Thor.

"I have more than enough words to describe you Stark"Thor responded still not putting him down.

"Thor the legionnaire"Steve called out to Thor making Thor drop Tony.

"Trail went cold about a hundred miles out but they're heading north they have the scepter we have to retrieve it again"Thor informed the team.

"The genie's out of that bottle clear and present is Ultron"Natasha said Titus looked at her in confusion.

"I don't understand you built this program why is it trying to kill us"Dr Cho asked.

Tony started laughing and Bruce looked over at him trying to get him to stop.

"You think this is funny"Thor asked Tony.

"No it's probably not right is this very terrible it is so it is so terrible"Tony said trying to stop laughing.

"This could have been avoided if you weren't playing with things you don't understand"Thor said getting in Tony's face.

"No I'm sorry I'm sorry it is funny it's a hoot that you don't get why we need this"Tony argued back.

"Tony maybe this might not be the time to"Bruce tried to calm down the situation.

"Really that's it you just roll over show your belly every time somebody snarls"Tony said looking back at Bruce.

"Only when I've created a murderbot"Bruce argued back defending himself.

"We didn't we weren't even close were we close to an interface"Tony asked Bruce who didn't respond.

"Well you did something right and you did it right here the Avengers were supposed to be different than SHIELD"Steve said.

"Anybody remember when I carried a nuke through a wormhole"Tony suddenly brought up.

"I remember having to save your ass"Titus said.

"No it's never come up"James sarcastically said not knowing where this was going.

"Saved New York"Tony questioned again.

"Never heard of that"James again said not knowing where this was going.

"Recall that a hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space we're standing 300 ft below it we're the Avengers we can bust arms dealers all the live long day but that up there that's the end game how were you guys planning on beating that"Tony asked the team who remained silent until Steve spoke up.

"Together"Steve simply responded.

"We'll lose"Tony responded right back.

"Then we'll do that together too"Steve replied.

"Thor's right Ultron's calling us out and I'd like to find him before he's ready for us the world's a big place let's start making it smaller"Steve said.

The Avengers were now looking for where Ultron could possibly be.

"He's all over the globe robotics Labs weapons facilities jet propulsion labs reports of a metal man or men coming in and emptying the place"Maria informed Steve.

"Facilities"Steve questioned why a robot would be going to a facility.

"Only when engaged mostly guys left in a fugue state talking about old memories worst fears and something too fast to see"Maria responded.

"Maximoffs well that makes sense he'd go to them they have someone in common"Steve replied.

"Not anymore"Maria said showing Steve a photo of Strucker dead and Peace written on the wall in his blood.

Titus was on the phone talking to someone during all of this.

"Mon pote, je dirige cette entreprise mais je te laisse le soin pour l'instant Austin(buddy I run this company but I'm leaving it to you for now Austin)"Titus said speaking over the phone.

"Dally we might have something"Steve interrupted the phone call.

"Dois y aller(got to go) Titus hung up.

"Who was that"Steve asked Titus.

"A friend in Paris"Titus responded.

Steve gathered the whole team to show them a picture of Strucker's dead body.

"What's this"Tony asked walking in the room.

"A message Ultron killed Strucker"Steve replied.

"And he did a Banksy at the crime scene just for us"Tony asked.

"This is a smokescreen why send a message when you just gave a speech"Natasha asked making everybody think.

"Strucker knew something Ultron wanted us to miss"Titus said figuring it out.

"Yeah I bet he"Natasha started before looking at the computer screen.

"Yep everything we had on Strucker has been erased"Natasha concluded.

"Not everything"Steve said dropping a box of Strucker's physical files on the table.

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