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Natasha Romanoff and Titus got off of the Quinjet and walked toward a man in a suit and Steve Rogers Titus assumed.

"Agent Romanoff Titus Dally this is Captain Rogers"Agent Coulson introduced them to each other.

"Ma'am sir"Steve said walking up to them.

"Hi"Natasha said Titus didn't say anything just nodded to Steve.

"They need you on the bridge face time"Natasha informed her colleague.

"Meet you there"Coulson said walking toward the bridge of the Helicarrier. Steve and Natasha and Titus started walking to the railing of the Helicarrier.

"There was quite the buzz around here finding you in the ice I thought Coulson was going to swoon did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet"Natasha asked Steve this made Titus laugh.

"Trading cards"Steve asked Titus was about to get mad but then remembered he was stuck in ice for almost 70 years.

"They're vintage he's very proud"Natasha teased her colleague behind his back.

Titus saw Bruce from a distance and decided to go talk to him.

"Bruce"Titus said making himself known.

"Oh yeah hi they told me you would be coming"Bruce said shaking Titus's hand.

"They told me you can find the Tesseract"Titus said.

"Is that the only thing they say about me"Bruce asked he was insecure about Hulk.

"Well they also talked about the Hulk but honestly I don't care I have this animalistic instinct side of me and his name is Beast and he is crazy he lives up to his name let's just say that"Titus said that made Bruce feel a little better.

"Gentleman you may want to step inside in a minute it's going to get a little hard to breathe"Natasha said as her and Steve walked next to Bruce and Titus.

Bruce and Titus and Steve were thinking the same thing they thought this was a submarine.

"Is this a submarine"Steve asked the question that was going through Bruce and Titus's head.

"Really they want me in a submerged pressurized metal container"Bruce said sarcastically but he quickly regretted what he said when the Helicarrier started going in the air instead of underwater.

Steve was excited Banner was a little worried but Titus was a little bit petrified.

"OH NO THIS IS MUCH WORSE"Titus almost started screaming.

Natasha lead the boys through the helicarriers hallways.

"Gentleman doctor thank you for coming"Nick Fury said making himself known Steve handed Nick $10 Titus didn't know what that was about.

"Thanks for asking nicely so how long am I staying"Bruce asked Nick.

"Once we get our hands on the Tesseract you're in the clear"Nick answered Bruce's question.

"Where are you with that"Bruce asked Nick wondering how much work he needed to do.

Titus saw Natasha walk over to a computer and he followed her to see that she was looking at a picture of a dude.

"We are sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet cell phones laptops if it's connected to a satellite its eyes and ears for us"Coulson informed Natasha and the others.

"That's still not going to find them in time"Natasha countered.

"You have to narrow the field how many spectrometers do you have access to"Bruce asked Nick.

"How many are there"Nick asked Bruce didn't answer the question.

"Call every lab you know tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays I'll rough out a tracking algorithm based on cluster recognition at least we could rule out a few places do you have somewhere for me to work"Bruce asked Nick.

"Agent Romanoff would you show Dr Banner to his laboratory please"Nick asked Natasha Natasha led Bruce to his lab.

Titus stood next to Steve as Agent Coulson came over to Steve for him to sign his trading cards.

"I mean if it's not too much"Coulson said giving Steve his trading cards.

"No no it's fine"Steve said looking for a pen. Titus was already messing with one so he just gave it to Steve.

"It's a vintage set it took me a couple years to collect them all near mint slight foxing around the edges but"Coulson rambled on while Steve signed the cards.

"We got a hit 67% match weight cross match 79%"Sitwell said reading off the computer screen.

"Location"Coulson asked.

"Stuttgart Germany 28 Konigstrasse he's not exactly hiding"Sitwell informed.

"Captain you're up Titus I want you to get out there show me what you got let Beast out if you need to"Nick said Steve went to another part of the Helicarrier Titus followed Steve toward the locker rooms.

Steve was dressed in his Captain America suit and Titus was dressed in his suit.

They got down to where Loki was making everybody kneel before him.

Titus had let Beast take control because Titus wasn't really good with hand-to-hand combat.

"You know last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else we ended up disagreeing"Captain America said using his shield to deflect the beam that the scepter Loki had in his hand made.

"The soldier a man out of time"Loki said slowly approaching Captain America.

"We aren't the ones who are out of time"Beast said making himself known. Just after Beast said that the Quinjet appeared and pointed a large machine gun at Loki.

"Loki drop the weapon and stand down"Natasha's voice came from over the PA system of the Quinjet.

Loki pointed the scepter at the Quinjet and shot at it but Natasha quickly maneuvered the Quinjet out of the way.

Beast took this time to attack Loki using his super speed. But Loki countered him and tripped him to the floor he pointed the scepter in Beast's face.

"Kneel"Loki demanded of Beast but Beast didn't do that.

"Not today"Beast said kicking Loki to the ground and Loki put up a fight Beast and Loki were exchanging throwing fists at each other. Loki started to get the upper hand on Beast but luckily Captain America threw his shield at Loki.

There was a loud sound coming from the sky Beast, Captain America and Loki all looked up to see that it was Iron Man he used his repulsors to blast Loki to the ground and once he landed he aimed every single piece of weaponry on the suit at Loki.

"Make your move reindeer games"Iron Man said getting ready to blast Loki.

Loki put his hands up in surrender as his armor disintegrated off of his body.

"Good move"Iron Man said retracting all the weapons back into his suit.

"Mr Stark"Captain America acknowledged him but didn't even look at him.

"Captain, Beast"Iron Man said picking up Loki and flying him on board the Quinjet.

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