The sound of the helicopter blades spinning reverberates around your head as you descend. Eric looks to you and gives you a reassuring smile, calming your nerves.

Him and Clarice will be the only people you know, and can fully trust, when you begin the mission. So, safe to say you are very nervous.

The helicopter makes contact with the floor, the hum of the blades growing more distant as they slow down. Eric steps out first, offering you a hand to get out too.

"Thanks" you mutter.

"All good" he smiles back, turning eagerly to meet the man stood at the doorway into the building.

You decide to mimic his previous actions and help Clarice out too, assisting her with a briefcase type-thing she's carrying. You pick it up, "Shit, that's quite heavy, what's in it?" you joke with her.

"All my equipment smushed into one box" she laughs back, "gonna get muscles like you if I have to carry that around all day" she pinches your bicep.

"Aw, stop" you wave your hand and turn away, acting as though you were blushing. Clarice giggles, however stops as you reach the two men.

"You should read this" Eric passes the other man a piece of paper. You look him up and down, he's wearing a blue top, tan cargos, and a grey cap. He's kind of... -No, distractions.

Clarice speaks up, she was always more confident than you, "Didn't you hear? There's a new King in the Castle?"

"Looks that way" the man says, he has a slight southern twang in his voice. You always were interested in that type of accent. "You two are...?" He looks between you and Clarice.

"This is my assistant Clarice Stokes." Eric turns to her, then to you, "and the person I trust most, y/n l/n"

"Dr Clarice Stokes" she corrects Eric, looking to Jason. He nods.

"Jason Kolchek. First Lieutenant Kolcheck" he tells you all.

"Ah, y/n is Second Lieutenant" King decides to point out. You decide to gently place Clarice's case onto the floor, your right arm growing tired and heavy.

"Really? You look young for a Lieutenant" Jason points out, finally looking at you.

"Yeah, I'm 26, sir" you smile gently.

"And you're British" he sounds shocked.

You nod at him, "I transferred here a couple of years ago"

His face contorts into one of understanding. You both maintain eye contact.

"Well, briefing room?" Eric breaks the silence. You pick up the case again, swapping to your left hand. Your left being stronger.

Jason turns on his heel and opens the door for the three of you, you mutter a 'thank you' as you walk through.

You admire the building, all the natural light and tall trees everywhere.

"You'll have to excuse the noise and disorder. We're just getting the base set up" Jason strolls past you and guides you three around. He stops by an open area, "Blows my mind. Only a few weeks ago, Saddam was livin' it up in here. Chowing down on candy bars while some... poor bastard clipped his toenails" he laughs.

"Nice image" Clarice tells him.

"If only he could see that state of this place now. Makes me smile" he turns to the side, and that's when you notice his dimples. Eric nudges your side, catching you admiring Jason. You look up to him, he wiggles his eyebrows as you look away and catch up to Jason and Clarice.

"We've got the CIA. We've got the army, marines, the DIA, air force, hey everyone's invited!" He jokes.

Music blasts as you walk around the camp, adding a light vibe to the area. You reach the source of the music, a guy sat on a bench lifting weights. Jason walks up to him, "I see you old man. Keep bustin' out those reps"

"Come join me, maybe I'll teach you a thing or two" he responds. He seems like the type to be a class clown in a school setting.

"Later, we have company" Kolchek nods to you three.

He lands his eyes on you, "Maybe pretty thing here would like to watch me get my sweat on, huh?" He shifts on the bench, "wanna spot me little lady?" Your face impulsively cringes at his offer.

"I can see you just fine from here, thanks" you reject him.

"Ignore Corporal Merwin." Kolchek looks to you, "he lacks social skills" you smile at him.

"Guess every unit has its residential jackass" Eric finally speaks - that's probably the longest he's stayed quiet for.

You turn a corner, "Sergeant Kay" Jason fist bumps him, you're guessing they're close friends."This is Lieutenant Colonel King, just taking him down to the briefing room". He seems to get along with everyone. Kay and Eric nod politely at each other.

"Yeah. Gotta go get prepped"

"I'll see you in there marine" Eric speaks to him. Kay gives one look to Kolchek and walks off. "So what's his malfunction?" He steps closer to Jason.

"Eric! You can't just say that" you scold him gently, he tended to be abrupt with his words, speaking without thinking, hoping to get his way.

"Sorry" he smiles at you.

"Nick ain't been himself lately" Kolchek continues. "We got caught up in a shooting a few weeks back. Civilian ate a bullet, Nick took it hard."

"Is he combat ready?" King asks.

"He's a big boy, sir. He's ready" Jason begins to walk off, everyone else following suit. You reach another room. "Damn, Joey! They got you sitting behind a desk. Want me to make a call?" He laughs, once again, getting along with someone.

"Nah, I'm all good" Joey shakes his head, smiling widely. "People sitting behind desks don't tend to catch so many bullets, you know?" He looks at you three and stops on Eric, "so this must be the one and only satellite guy?"

Eric chuckles, "The one and only satellite guy" he takes a few steps forward, "I'm Eric King. Lieutenant Colonel Eric King"

Joey straightens up in his seat, realising that Eric's of higher rank.

"Give the Colonel full site access" Jason orders him.

"Yes, sir"

Jason turns around and walks near the door again, "I'm tellin' you, when the Queen Bitch finds out about this," he holds up the paper Eric gave him earlier, "Shes gonna flip her shit"

You look to Eric, eager to hear his response to his wife being called that.

"Rachel and I... we know each other" he looks between you and Clarice, "she'll understand alls fair in love and war"

Jason's stands there, perplexed, "Sir?"

"The Queen Bitch you're talking about is his wife" Clarice informs, Eric walks between us, like a toddler having a little strop. No offence to him, of course.

Jason raises his hands slightly, realising he might've made a mistake. Clarice walks away, "Nice work, hotshot" she says before she leaves.

He looks to you as you step closer to him, "It's fine, he can be a bit sensitive at times, you know, new environment and all, probably just wants to see his wife" you reassure him, patting his back lightly, "King will forget about what you said in like an hour anyway"

"Oh, good. Didn't wanna make a bad first impression" you both follow Eric, quickly catching up to him.

Now this is a briefing room.

It's in a massive area, a ballroom it looks like. The small chatter of people already in here echoes.

Eric looks around, taking it in as you were.

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