"Save a bullet for your friend" Jason passes Rachel a spare pistol. He looks around, scanning for someone, "Where's y/n?".

"She's alive?" Rachel asks. The question forms a pit in Jason's stomach, what if she's dead and he was too blind to notice?

"She was" he mutters.

"She was with Eric last, when they were fighting the Iraqi" Nick snitches, noticing the guilty look in Kings face.

"I didn't have anything to defend myself with, I saw an opportunity and ran to you two-" his monologue gets cut short by Jason.

"So you left her on her own?" His voice grows impatient, desperate, eager to know your safe.

"Yes! But I was gonna go back and save her. By the time we all ran away she was gone" His shoulders drop in defeat.

"Shit, man" Nick comments, glancing to his best friend.

There's an unreadable look on his face. It's for sure not happy. Far from it. Everyone sits in the silence, having tuned out Clarice's coughing.

"So this is why you're being such a dick," Nick starts up again, wanting to defend Jason in any way he can. "You can't even think right without y/n warning you about the shit you say, and the shit you do" he spits.

Eric's guilt swallows him up, he stands there, absorbing everything the Sergeants telling him.

"She's probably lying somewhere, dead, with a fuckin' Iraqi because you wanted to feel like a fucking hero" Kay finishes, everyone's thoughts being shifted to the sudden banging at the doors.


second person pov

(If it's in italics, it's meant to be said in Arabic:)

The Iraqi, whose name you found out was Dar, is currently dragging you through the catacombs, where you had previously mined up.

You pull Dar back, "Careful, explosives!" You warn in Arabic, pointing at the bombs hanging onto the walls.

After carefully walking through the corridors and halls, Dar had stopped at a chamber. He yanked you forwards and slung you into a pillar.

"Dar!" Someone scolds from behind.

You push off the column and turn around, "Salim?".

He smiles and pats your shoulder, "You're okay!"

"And you are too," you respond back.

"Stop it!" Dar orders, pushing Salim away from you.

"Where are we?" You look at him, Salims eyes widen as he hears you speak his language. You walk over and stand next to him, feeling that it's probably the safest spot.

"The sacrificial chamber" Dar responds, his voice and body language having lightened up. Maybe it's because you're not being hostile, unlike everyone else. The speaking Arabic is just an added extra.

Your eyebrow quirks, "The what chamber?" You look to Salim.

"Sacrificial" he nods at you, a smirk playing on his face.

"Ohh" you nod, "Why, though?"

"We're going to ambush your friends." He tries to gauge your reaction, watching you intensely. You play it safe and don't do anything, don't even react in a certain way. "You're going to have to push your love aside for them. I need you to aim your gun at them" He walks over and takes the pistol out of its holster and shoves it into your hand.

"No... I'm not doing that" Your emotionless facade breaks. Salim steps back slightly as Dar moves closer to you.

"They don't care about you" he places a hand onto your good shoulder.

"They do" you defend them, attempting to reassure yourself simultaneously. This was a moment where you'd be easily swayed into thinking the wrong thing, you didn't have Eric to tell you it was wrong, or Jason to intimidate them off. 

"Is that why they basically let me take you? The one of them let you walk into a trap, 'return to the temple' " He begins to laugh, mocking Jason.

"He didn't know you were there"

"Yeah, but what about the blond one? He knew and still left you..."

"He was going to come back for me" Your voice grows quieter, turning into an insecure mutter, quite like Eric sometimes.

The silence he leaves lets your mind wander, you're overthinking this - Eric was gonna return, maybe he tripped on something, maybe that's why he took so long.

"They didn't even realise you were gone," he sighs in disbelief, hands grabbing onto your shoulders, "you heard them yelling to each other for about 10 minutes, no clue as to where you were," Dar digs the metaphorical knife in deeper, your torn.

"That's enough" Salim pulls you out of Dars grasp, and into his more gentler one. He wraps his arms around you.

He stops patting your back as you hear other voices, "Hide," Dar directs, pointing for you to go to different pillars each. Salim very reluctantly lets you go.

"Drop your weapons!" Dar comes out first, aiming his gun at Nick, causing him to aim at Dar.

Salim then steps out and aims at Nick too.

"In English!" Dar instructs Salim.

"Hello again" he comments. "My friend is not happy"

"Yeah I can see that" Nicks words are abrupt and sharp.

"What happened up there?" Your new friend asks.

Rachel steps out, "Don't move!" Dar yells.

She's aiming at Salim... do you step out too?

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