"Keep an eye on Merwin. We'll go check it out" Kolchek whispers, walking past you and Eric. "You comin'?" He looks to you. You nod and follow silently, still holding a grudge against his earlier actions of snapping at you.

You keep watch of the darkness above you, on edge that something could pop out.

"So this is Saddams chemical weapons silo, huh? Run for the fucking hills. We're all doomed" Kolchek mocks King.

Nick decides to join in too, "So much for Eric's 'pioneering thermal satellite system'." He tuts, "Eric's gonna have some pretty tough questions to answer"

"I wouldn't like to be in those shoes" Kolchek mutters.

"The generators over there" you point out, ending their conversation and flashing your light over to it.

Jason quickly walks over, "Gonna need a hand here"

"On it" you walk over to the opposite side, Nick following.

"Someone's taken a real dislike to this thing" he mutters, hovering over your shoulder as you crouch down.

"Sabotage?" You ask, looking up to him.

"Looks it" he shrugs.

"Watch my back" you comment as you fully turn your body to the generator, trying to fix the sparking wires.

You accidentally move your finger off the insulating wire and touch the live wire, the current shocking you, "Ow, shit" you shake your finger, attempting to stop the pain.

"Stop fucking around. Hurry up." Kolchek orders impatiently.

You manage to connect the wires together again, the generator roaring back to life, "Does it look like I'm fucking around?" You stand up and look at him for the first time in a while.

He makes eye contact for a few seconds, but then looks away, "Good job, Lieutenant".

You're slightly baffled at how quickly that man can change behaviour. One minute he's snapping at you, the next he's congratulating you.

A glass shatters and a light goes out. All of your attention shifting to it.

"Stay alert" Nick whispers as you approach the source of noise.

"Dropkick. This is Mailman Two-One Actual. We're heading deeper. Over"

"Acknowledged. You be careful in there. Dropkick out." You hear Eric's call sign on the radio, a sense of relief washes over you knowing that he's still alive. You were expecting the worst: leaving him for a few minutes just to return and he'd be dead. You're glad that this isn't the case.

You arrive at another archway, there's cables running along the floor, they go separate ways. "The cables are split, we should see where they head to" you suggest to the boys.

Kolchek nods and walks forwards, taking a quick right into another smaller room.

"What do you think? Explorers?" Nick begins, following you into the little room.

"Yeah I'll go with that" the first lieutenant responds. He picks up a book and begins skimming it, "An eternity eating dust? You gotta be shitting me" he puts it down and walks back out the room. You walk through the hallway, the three of you alert. There's a light at the end of it, "This way" he whispers.

You speed up slightly and place your hand on his shoulder, pulling him back, "Tripwire" you tell him, nodding at the floor to it.

"Fuck. Thanks" you take your hand off him and return it to the gun. His warmth being replaced by the coldness of the metal.

He crouches down after you've all stepped over it, "Looks simple enough"

"Counter explosion?" You ask, standing behind him.

"Nah. Just need to cut the trigger" he pulls out his knife and does so. He rises to his feet and strolls to the other side of the room, "That'll be the guy who shot at Eric. Motherfuckers hunting us" he reaches for his radio, "Dropkick, this is Mailman Two-One Actual. Do you copy? Over."

You wait a few seconds before he responds. "Dropkick receiving. How's it going out there Kolchek?"

"Your friend sprung an IED on us. We're good," he looks at you, "but you wanna keep your eyes open in case he's left any more love notes. Over"

"Copy that. Moving up. Dropkick out" his voice echoes.

Kolchek chuckles, "He's 'movin up'"

"Shame you warned him about the tripwire" Nick jokes back.

Jason walks over to another doorway, it being blocked by a few crates. You watch his muscles flex as he picks the box up and moves it out of the way. He looks your way and catches you admiring him. Again.

You turn away quickly, hoping it saved you.

"He could be waiting for us down there" Nick looks down the corridor.

You hear a groan echo.

"Shh! Listen" Kolchek whispers. "Is that Joey? He's alive?"

You shake your head in disbelief. "How? It's not possible"

"You heard him just now"

"It's this fucking place, Jason!" Nick speaks up. He turns to you, "I saw him die too! He can't be alive"

"All due respect buddy, you're not your usual self. Can't know for sure" Kolchek steps forward, you put your arm out, pulling him back.

"It's a trap" you whisper.

"We don't know that" he gets closer to you, "We don't leave men behind. Semper Fi."

"Semper Fi" you and Nick respond in unison.

"Hey!" Eric appears, walking next to you, "somebody wanna tell me what's going on here?"

"We heard Joey through the tunnel," Jason points towards it.

"We think we heard Joey" Nick corrects.

Kolchek shakes his head gently, "It was him alright. We're gonna rescue him"

"Good. I'll lead the way" he reloads his gun, "Kolchek and L/N. You guard Merwin. Sergeant Kay and I will go ahead."

He goes to walk forward, you place your hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks.

Jason speaks your mind, "Not happening Colonel. Y/n, Nick and I are doing this."

"You realise the consequences of this, Kolchek" you take your hand off him as he steps closer to the Lieutenant.

"I've got bigger things to worry about"

"He's right Eric" you defend, knowing that Eric would listen to you, you having been his voice of reason for a long time. "Stay here"

"Okay. I will" he mutters, sounding slightly annoyed at the fact he can't explore, "Be safe please" he comments as you walk away.

"Will do" you give him a thumbs up and catch up with Nick and Jason.

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