You remember when you were in the ballroom and Eric and Rachel were talking, you spotted a lighter in her pocket, but she didn't have any cigarettes nor smelled like smoke. It makes sense now.

Your eyes widen as you stare at Eric, he nods slowly.

"What's good?" Nick asks you both, more aimed at the Colonel.

"It's nothing" he responds with slight sass.

Some chatter arises from the radio, you move back to it.

"It's just a ghost signal" you inform them. Judging by the look on Jason's face, he doesn't understand, "even without a transmitter, a radio will pick up a faint signal"

"It's just ghosts man" Nick joins in. Jason begins to nod, catching on to what it means.

"So fix that transmitter then" he points to it, "if we can establish a signal and contact CENTCOM, then we're one step closer to home". He reveals the remaining hope he has left to you all.

You stay silent for a few seconds, all of you observing the radio and the chasm next to it.

Footsteps split your attention.

"I don't trust any of you pussies to do it, well, maybe except you" he points directly at you, your eyes wide.

"Nathan!" You let the better half of your emotions control you as you step up to him and gently hug him, being cautious so you don't cause pain to his injuries as well as yours too.

He pats your back as you let go of him, Nick walking up now too, "What the fuck Lazarus. Sit your ass down"

"Back from the dead baby!" Merwin raises his arms to his side, and drops them quickly once he realises no one's laughing, except form a small smile coming from you.

"Corporal Merwin, probably best you stay here and recover" Jason suggests, his southern accent getting thicker. You assume it could be because he's tired.

Nobody's had a rest in a while, you're not even sure what time it is or how long you've been down in these caves.

"And let you have all the fun? Nah, fuck that!" Merwins voice raises, "Let me break this down to you Barney style." You and Jason share a look, one that's worried about what this 'style' could lead to. "I'm the only one here who's a mechanic, and that's what you call a no-fucking brainer" he walks up to the radio, as you side next to Jason.

Merwin twists, turns and jams buttons. Nothing works. The radio gradually made it way to emitting a high, screeching noise. A mixture of crackles and beeps.

"Shut it up!" Jason shouts over it.

Merwin manages to stop it, however it's too late anyway. The chasm echoes to life with the sound of the vampires screaming and roaring awake.

Eric, Jason and Nick split up and guard the edge of the chasm, whilst you stay with Merwin by the radio.

"You wanna hurry the fuck up? We don't have much time" Kolchek shouts over his shoulder to you two.

"And here I thought I could take a Sunday morning stroll. You know, take in the view" the Corporal speaks as he blindly messes with the metal under his fingers.

"Focus, Nathan!" You scold gently, deciding that using his first name could possibly snap him back to reality.

"Find me two minutes!" He yells.

"Two minutes?" Jason's voice is full of concern and slight sass, "You hopin' to do it twice?"

"Score one for the Lieutenant" Merwin jokes once again.

"Colonel, L/N! Back inside the temple and man those cameras." Kolchek directs, quickly looking around to see tut neither of you are moving. "You're sitting ducks out here, go!"

Eric takes off, running past you and grabbing your hand to pull you along. He lets go once you get to the steps.

He goes to run past the column, an arm swings out and clocks him round the head with a rock. You notice the uniform, Iraqi.

A massive part of you had hoped that it was Salim, and he just did it out of self-preservation. Sadly, it wasn't.

Eric drops to the floor with a yelp, the Iraqi kicks his gun away.

He locks eyes with you, raising his rifle. The aftermath of shooting a rifle this close would be horrifying. Your body shivers.

You slowly walk in front of him, blocking the view of Eric so that if he was still conscious he could crawl away.

The man's finger rests onto the trigger.

His arm adjusts the gun up slightly, preparing for the perfect shot.

You breathe in, preparing yourself.

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