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A slight movement in his finger sends your reflexes off.

Your leg rises without thought and kicks his bicep, causing his arm to swing like a hinge on a door.

A gunshot still sounds.

You're not sure whether it was your imagination or not, but you thought you'd heard someone drop.

You hide behind a pillar as the remaining marines on the other side begin shooting at the man.

The faint sound of Jason's voice gives you temporary relief. Thank God he's alive.

You spot Eric in the corner of your eye moving away, unfortunately the Iraqi does too.

Once again he aims his rifle, this time at the Colonel. He shouts in Arabic, telling Eric to make the marines surrender.

You sneak up behind him, moving between the pillars. The continuous gunfire helps to cover the sound of your footsteps and shallow breathing.

You kick the back of his knees in, he buckles down slightly but turns abruptly to face you, his elbow coming in full rotation and meeting your already injured cheek.

The force sends you to the floor.

The Iraqi moves back into his position and returns the shots back to the marines. Your eyes scan around for Eric, finding him cowered behind some boulders. You shuffle up and sit next to him.

Your mind wanders momentarily... you haven't heard Merwins voice in a while. If you could hear Jason: you'd definitely hear Merwin. Was he the 'drop' that you had heard? Did you inadvertently kill him?

The Iraqi breaks you out of the chain of thoughts, he hisses whilst clutching his shoulder. He got shot. But nothing severe.

You watch as Eric breaks out into a sprint, leaving you behind. The pillar the man was standing behind begins to collapse too, the top of it being shot off.

Your hand reaches to your pistol, pulling it out in case the Iraqi wants to shoot you again.

His face gets close to one of the lights, you go to shoot but stop when you notice the glass explode anyway. Someone else beat you to it. Probably Nick.

He begins to retreat, but not before spotting you hidden behind the rocks and pulling you away with him.

Just your luck.


third person pov

Everything happened within a blur. Jason didn't even realise that a certain someone was missing, he was too focused on getting everyone else to safety.

"Wait!" A high-pitched voice shouted, halting Jason and Nick from closing the doors. They let the person in before immediately shutting everyone inside the temple again.

Rachel stands there, covered head-to-toe in blood, whilst Clarice coughs and falls to the floor, body moulding into the fetal position.

"You're alive?" Nicks pupils dilate, he crushes Rachel into his arms.

"Have any doubt, marine?" She quips back.

If Eric didn't know what was going on before, he definitely does now. His eyes bore lasers into Nicks head.

Jason kneels down to Clarice, hand on her back, "I saw those things take you..." his voice quivers.

Rachel and Nick finally break apart, "Where's Eric?" She scans the room, locking eyes with him.

"Rach?" He steps forward and engulfs her. Nicks face twitches with disgust as he hugs her. "I'm so sorry" Eric admits. He's doing good so far without y/n to remind him of his morals.

"You followed climbing protocol. You had no other choice but to cut the rope." Rachel explains, a new sense of responsibility and restraint resting in her. "We don't need to discuss it" she finalises.

"We both would have died, you have to understand that." Eric pushes further. This would have been where y/n would have told him to 'zip it'.

Nick clears his throat, most likely out of boredom from listening. "We good?" There's a harshness to his question.

Eric stares. "It's him isn't it?" He voices what's been bugging him for a while. "I understand you're not the brightest, Nick, but even you must know why I'm talking about." He faces Rachel now, "you've been fucking him, haven't you?" He raise his voice.

Without a thought, he stalks up to Nick and punches him.

"That's the best you got?!" Nick provokes.

They grapple for a few seconds longer, Rachel breaking them apart, "Stop it!"

"I know it's him, Rach. I know it!"

"You better step off before I start swinging. Colonel or no Colonel." They stare each other down like predators hunting prey.

"Don't Nick!" Rachel's voice becomes desperate. "I tried waiting Eric. I really did. I'm sorry"

"Always loyal..." he shakes his head.

"Always loyal, huh? You weren't so loyal when you cut the rope" her voice drops, becoming sinister.

Clarice screams in agony, Jason jumps away from her, "the fuck is happening to her?"

"She's infected!" Rachel and the two boys return to Jason, all of them circling Clarice.

"She's... she's turning into one of those things! Why'd you bring her here?" Nick starts to panic.

"She needs our help!" Rachel argues back.

"She's beyond help! She should be here!"

"Agreed. We gotta-" Jason lifts his gun up, Mrs. King steps in front of it.

"Wait! She's one of us"

"Step aside, Rachel." Jason warns, his eyes never leaving Clarice's pale form. Maybe, just maybe, if they did, he'd notice a Lieutenant missing.

"It's too late, Rachel. She can't be saved" Eric joins in.

"You can't possibly know that"

"You heard the man, now step aside" Kolchek warns again.

"Jason please. Please don't do it" she begs.

He ultimately gives in, deciding not to shoot her.

jason kolchek x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن