"This is Mailman Two-One Actual to Mailman Three. How copy? Over." Jason speaks into his radio, walking around the wall that Nick disappeared behind.

You and Jason had spent the past few minutes trying to find a different route to get behind the rocks that had fallen as there were too many to pull down yourselves.

"Solid copy, LT" his voice sounds through. "I see your light, keep moving forward. I'm right ahead. Over"

"We're coming to get you" you tell him, trying to get Jason to speed up.

You walk round a corner and see Nick, stood next to him is an Iraqi. Instinctively you aim your gun at him, but realise that he has his arms up in surrender as well as his gun in the air too, you drop your weapon back to your side.

Jason does not get the message that the man isn't gonna shoot, "Down! Down on the fucking floor!" He walks up to them.

"Stop pointing your gun at me" the man now raises his pistol, backing up too.

"Alright everyone! Take a fucking break! He's not a hostile!" Nick stands between Jason and the Iraqi.

"I don't want to hurt you" he comments, sounding genuine.

"Your uniform tells me somethin different" Kolchek eyes him up, relieving his aimed stance slightly. "Drop your fucking weapon! Do it now!"

"You lower yours first" he challenges.

"Drop your weapon before I fucking drop you! You pull that trigger and I swear to hell and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves it's the last fucking thing you do!"

You've never heard someone swear so much in such a short timeframe before. That means something too knowing how much time you spent with Eric.

"I didn't come this far to die by a trigger happy American!" He shouts louder.

You quickly glance around the area and see the body of one of the creatures on the floor. Ah, so that's why none are coming to attack you right now. You were sure the sound of them arguing was gonna attract more things.

"Okay! Enough" the man surrenders again, "there's no point in fighting. Not anymore."

"I ought to put one through your fucking skull" Jason's anger simmers down.

"It won't change anything" he looks off to his side, then back to you three, "I'd still be in this hell"

"Don't tempt me"

You look over to Nick, "We're heading back to the temple" you look over to the man, you want to trust him but feel like you'd betray Jason if you did. Either way there's not much of a choice, he's another person you can help and someone who can help you. "Bring him with us too"

"Tie him up" Jason intervenes, "if he tries anything, put him down"

Nick walks up to him and ties him up, his hand being restricted behind his back, "After all we've been through..." the man mutters. Guess they're talking about killing the blood monster in the room.

"You two did this together?" You ask them, nodding your head at it.

"Of course we did! We fought it and won" the Iraqi responds, wow you really need to learn his name.

"Jason, we really need to talk about this guy" Nick comments.

"Not now. This place is a bust" he looks around, "whatever the hell happened to Joey.. he's gone, and there are fuck knows how many do those things out there. I say we pull back to the temple and regroup"

"I think that's the best plan I've heard all day" Nick smiles.

Jason walks across the room and grabs the monster, dragging it back, whilst you switch places with Nick and take the man, gently walking him forwards.

It's definitely the better option having you look over him. Kolchek and Kay would be too aggressive. The latter not so much.


After a long yet short trek through the endless tunnels, you finally arrived back at the temple.

You're sat next to the Iraqi, Eric investigating the creature lying on the table in front of you both. Jason and Nick are in a corner, looking through each others bags.

Eric gulps on his water before offering it to the man next to you, he shakes his head, "Suit yourself". He walks closer to the winged beast.

You look to the man, he looks to you and smiles, "Im Salim, I'd shake your hand but..." he trails off, you laugh gently.

"Yeah, I get it. I'm y/n"

His eyebrows shoot up, "You're not American?"

"No," you shake your head, "I transferred from England a few years ago" you tell Salim.

"Oh, any reason you moved?"

"Something happened to my old unit and I just needed to get away from it" you respond, leaving key details out.

He nods understandingly, "It's okay, you don't need to tell me more" he smiles, reassuring you.

"Well, I'm gonna go catch up with Jason and Nick, see you around?"

"Definitely. Not really going anywhere am I?" He jokes, you laugh as you start to walk away to Jason.

His head immediately turns to you as you step closer to him, "Havin' a nice chat with the enemy over there, huh?"

"Yeah, I was. If you weren't so uptight about him I think you'd actually get along" you jest, trying to lighten the mood.

He takes it the wrong way, "Uptight?" He shakes his head, Nick chuckles under his breath, "You callin' me uptight? He was shooting at us a few hours ago, and you're saying that I should get on with him?" He sounds agitated.

You sigh, "Never mind then, it doesn't matter. Just thought it would be helpful to have another ally" you state simply, looking away from Jason.

"We should go place the explosives and cameras" Nick clears his throat, clearing the tension.

You both nod and walk into the hallways.

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