You all freeze and stare into the abyss she just got dragged in.

"What the fuck just happened?" Kolchek is the first to speak. He closes your bag and walks around you, moving closer to the noise source.

"Be careful" you mutter, not wanting to be too loud in case you agitate whatever's over there.


A screech sounds. Scrap that. Multiple.

Jason steps back instinctively, returning to you, Nick and Merwin.

"What the fuck was that?" The one on the floor asks.

"Move now!"

The screeching gets more intense as Nick and Jason pick Merwin up, you stay close behind them as they sprint.

"He's bleeding out, we have to do something now" you shout to them.

They nod and pull him to a side, Nick sits behind him, you and Jason in-front.

The noises get closer, "Whatever's out there, his blood is bringing them to us, either that or his shouting" you tell them all, handing Kolchek the morphine from your bag.

"He won't stay still! Get the damn morphine in him!" Nick places his hand over Merwin mouth, attempting to muffle his screams.

"Just a few more seconds! Hold it in" you suggest to him, of course he's gonna continue screaming.

Jason comes back to you three, kneeling down to him whilst biting the cap off the morphine and spitting it elsewhere.

"Ease off man! You're fucking killing him" he warns Nick.

He pulls his arm back and jabs the pen into Merwins leg, pulling it out quickly.

"I need you with me Nick" he speaks again, worry obvious in his voice.

Nick eases his grip off the corporals face, giving him time to breathe. He drops slightly, his body looking calm.

"Think the morphine kicked in" you say to them.

Something crawls past you on your left, you all instantly look to that area, raising your guns up too.

"Move out" Jason whispers, him and Nick moving quickly to get Merwin over their shoulders.

You slow behind the boys, turning around briefly to shoot whatever's chasing you. The bullets do nothing, it's as if it encourages the thing more.

"Wait!" Kay yells. You all stop and turn around, lo and behold a massive winged creature perched on two pillars. They rely on you to shoot at it: them having a man hung around their shoulders kinda stops them from doing so.

You act without hesitation, shooting the beast, aiming for its upper body and wings.

It makes a few noises before jumping off the columns, it's not gone but it's definitely moved further away from you.

It's absence gives you time to run away, you stop once you reach a more open area. There's steps in the middle, but half of its missing, and then a long walkway on the other side.

"We have to go through it!" Nick rushes out, nerves causing a shake in his voice.

"He won't make it. The other way is safer" Jason suggests for the longer way, slightly more desperate to save Merwin. He looks to you, wanting your input.

"We should go through, it's gonna be quicker"

He nods understandingly, "You two go ahead, I'll follow with Merwin"

Nick let's you go first, over the steps there's a small slide of sand and then empty flat area to run.

Quickly recovering from sliding down, you aim your gun up, behind where the boys would be coming. Your eyes scan everywhere, cautious that something might attack any of you.

Jason and Nick swap carrying roles, Kolchek swings Merwin onto Sergeant Kay's shoulders.

You being the faster runner, and having fast reflexes, decide to stay at the back. In that way, you can easily run a different direction to distract the monster. If anyone lives it should be Jason, Nick and Merwin. The latter probably wouldn't mind you being a sacrifice.

You see Nick place Merwin onto the floor, spinning around with his gun in hand.

You turn around too, sadly, not in time to dodge being tackled by some creepy fanged beast. It smells like blood, you can feel something dripping onto you. Cringing in disgust, your hands frantically search for your knife.

Did you drop it when you fell?

Panic starts to settle in... you have nothing to defend yourself with. Your gun got sent across the floor, out of reach. Hands grab at an empty pocket. No knife. You try your hardest to push its face away, wanting distance from the blood-stained, iron-smelling, mutated bird.

It screeches and releases you, revealing Jason stood behind it, him also holding your knife. Nick shoots at the thing, it runs away, screaming all the while. Jason pulls you up, putting the knife back into its spot on your hip for you.

He doesn't give you any time to say thank you as he picks his gun up and runs, following after Nick, who resorted to dragging Merwin instead of carrying him.

jason kolchek x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora