You all step off the helicopters, Jason gets down before you and turns around, reaching his hand out. You take it, his hand feels cold in comparison to the hot weather around you. "Thank you, sir" you mumble. It's not a large step to get down.

"Anything for you, ma'am" he reciprocates your politeness. He pulls up the scarf from around your neck to cover your mouth, stopping all the sand flowing around from being inhaled.

You turn your head to the side, worried that he might see you blushing... but then realise half your face is covered anyway.

He must have caught on as a smirk forms on his face. You both start to walk away, following the other marines. A shepherd strolls around, he looks at all of you. His eyes widen as he shouts that he's seen you in Arabic and then breaks into a sprint.

"Sir! We've been made, awaiting orders" Sergeant Kay shouts.

"Fan out and hold fire! We're gonna PYSOPS this shit" Jason yells back through his gas mask.

You hear Rachels voice boom from the helicopters, warning the residents in the LZ to remain calm. Thankfully you took Arabic lessons and could actually understand her.

You walk behind Joey, as you edge closer to a small hut.

Nick waves his arm up and down as more shepherds walk out, "Down! Down! On your faces, now!".

Joey pushes forward, "Hands behind your back!"

Eric appears next to you, "y/n, stay back. I don't want you to get hurt"

You follow his orders and stay next to him and Clarice, watching the marines kick down the doors, then a few minutes later bringing out more people.

One of the marines comes over to you and tells you it's secure. You remove your gas mask and pull down the scarf, breathing in the humid air.

Rachel finally lands and walks up next to Eric, Jason appears too.

"Lieutenant Kolcheck, a sitrep if you will" King demands.

"No shots fired, sir, no casualties. The farm is secure and we're processing captives." He says, walking in step beside you.

"Captives?" Rachel questions.

"Have you located an entrance to the underground silo?" Eric ignores his wife.

"Negative sir. If there is one, it's well camouflaged"

"'If there is one'. What does that mean, Lieutenant?" You knew Eric was gonna pick up on that.

Jason looks briefly to you, slight worry on his face. "We have yet to carry out a full search. We'll find it sir"

"Good response" you whisper to him, he nudges you with his elbow as acknowledgment.

"You took a risk giving up the element of surprise, Lieutenant. But it looks like it paid off. No casualties and clean work." Eric compliments, very rare.

"Thank you, sir" Jason lifts his chin higher, proud of himself.

"Nonetheless, any holdout Iraqis will now be on high alert" and the complimenting mood is gone.

"My team is ready for anything, Colonel" he assures. Jason begins to walk away, you and Rachel follow suit.

Merwin exits a small home, "That went pretty smooth"

"You think?" Rachel quips.

"Got the place locked down tighter than a virgins-" Once again he goes to say something weird.

"Please don't finish that sentence, Merwin" you beg him, completely uninterested in his 'joke'.

He raises his hands in surrender.

"Are they ready for questioning?" Rachel brings back the conversation.

The Corporal sighs, "yeah, just don't ask them any tough physics questions"

"Let's go" she says, as you all follow her into the hut.

Kolchek stays behind, you wait for him by the door, "Stay sharp. If anyone so much as raises an eyebrow, I wanna know about it" he tells Sergeant Kay and Corporal Merwin.

"Copy that"

"You waitin' for me?" He asks, holding the door for you to go through.

"Yeah, who else?" You smile, he copies, shaking his head.

Rachel leads you into a room with three captives, a marine patting one down. She kneels next to him, asking him where the silo is in Arabic. He doesn't respond.

Jason steps forward from beside you, "I'll make him talk" he stalks closer to the shepherd.

"Standby. I've got this" she responds.

She speaks in Arabic again, the man looks towards something hanging from the ceiling.

"What the hell is that?" Jason asks as he walks to it.

You look at it closely, "Some kind of pagan effigy" you add.

Jason pulls it off from the string holding it, "What the fuck?". He messes with it, "Ow". A sharp point at the top pricks his finger. He puts it back, and returns to your side.

"I've had enough of this. Corporal keep an eye on the captives" Rachel commands, much like Eric.

You follow her into another room, "This man was armed, ma'am" you look behind the marine, a gun lent up on the wall.

"Everyone in this country is armed" she squats infront of the man. She asks him something about a silo, he spits on her. Gross. "Do that again and I'll tear you up into pieces and feed you to the fucking jackals" she threatens. "Are there any more captives?" She turns to Jason.

"Yeah, in the other hut. Follow me"

Rachel leaves first, you follow, allowing Jason to detour and talk to his people. You wait in the room for him.

"So... you and Kolchek seem close" Rachel comes up to you, whispering.

"Is it actually that obvious?" You ask back.

She smiles and laughs slightly, "Yes! I've never seen him smile at someone so much, and every time I've looked over at you, he's also been there, right next to you"

You go to respond but he walks through the door. Rachels serious face gets put back on as she goes straight to the captive, asking about the silo again.

He nods to a rug. Rachel looks to you, you walk over and pull the carpet back. Placing your hand on the revealed metal handle, Jason moves to the other side, aiming his gun at it.

You open it, "Just heroin" you look up at her.

Her shoulders drop, "Just keeps getting better by the minute" she sighs, visibly losing hope. "These people are nothing but common crooks. What the fuck was Eric thinking?"

You rise to your feet, shifting your gun from your back to your front.

"I want this place turned inside out" Kolchek demands. Rachel leaves the room.

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