"You good?" You point to Salim's side, noting how he was holding it earlier.

He nods, "Just a bruise from being knocked". He pats your back before leading the way into another room.

There's holes littering the floor, along with tables in the middle, skulls collecting on them. Jason walks ahead, stopping in front of a barred door. Salim flicks his lighter open and holds it towards the metal.

Its detached from the left side of the wall, causing a gap to shift through. Jason moves in first, then you and then Salim.

"Looks like a medical bay," you comment, glancing to all the equipment laying around.

Jason picks up dynamite from a side-table, "This could come in handy." he smirks.

You step behind him, inspecting it, "That's old, Jase. You sure its not gonna explode in your bag?" you tease.

He shrugs, "I'll take the risk."

"Every time you say something smart, you follow it with something dumb." Salim joins in.

You laugh quietly.

"Hey!" Jason jokingly scolds.

"I cannot defend you," you shake your head, smiling at him.

"Why not?" 

"You just put dodgy dynamite into your bag... is that not enough proof."

"Okay. Fair enough then." he smirks before walking off to another gated area. You and Salim follow.

"It's caverns" the latter man mutters.

"Whatever's down there, those explorers got there first" he points. "Hold up will ya." he asks, Salim halting from walking towards the door.

"What're you doing?" You question, watching the man lean down and write in the sanded ground. He drew an arrow and his intials.

"You think they're still alive?" Salim looks to him as he stands back up. "That's hopeful"

"Hope is all we got left." Jason walks through the open gate.

You make your way around a tight corridor with stalactites dropping down above your heads. You come to a stop, there's a large drop below you.

"I've still got rope," you pull it out from the side of your bag.

"Me too." Salim mimics your movement, holding it out.

You both look to Jason expectantly.

"Oh, uh, mine's back there somewhere," he nods his head to the place you just came from.

"So you lost it?" you tilt your head.

He nods.

You pat his shoulder, "It's okay, I'll go down first, then you just use my rope."

"Sounds fair."

You and Salim both secure your ropes into the floor with a hook. Jason steps closer to you, grabbing the blue rope out of your hands and tying it around your waist then attaching it to our harness. His hands squeeze your waist. "Feel secure?"

"Very." You smile up at him.

Salim clears his throat, "Do I get that treatment too?"

Jason chuckles, "You gotta earn it" he jokes, stepping away from you and letting you slowly descend down.

You cautiously step off the edge and sift the rope through the harness.

Your heart settles once your feet return to the ground, Salim landing a few seconds afterwards.

"Jason!" you shout up to him, his head pops over the edge of the cliff, "you can come down"

It doesn't take much time longer before he's stood next to you again. You're all stood on a very raised platform, a waterfall behind you covering the floor below with water.

You wander over to Salim. He's holding a wallet with a picture of a woman, "Is that your wife?"

He shakes his head, "It's funny how you can know someone for years, but never really know them." He notices your and Jason's confused faces. "I never knew my Captain was married."

"That the asshole you were with earlier?" Jason comments.

You nudge his side as Salim just blinks at him.

"He didn't make it."

"Works for me. One less bad guy to deal with."

"A time will come when you'll deeply regret this manner,"

"I don't carry regrets." Jason deadpans.

Salim hesitantly drops the wallet down the edge of the the platform. The three of you turn away, continuing along the pathway. It leads to a massive open room, a large hole right in the middle. Bats fly up from the green, glowing pit as you walk around it.

"Well this place is a jack in the box."

"What do you make of it?" You ask them both.

"It's like nothing I've ever seen." Salim responds.

"You see that elevator cable?" You point towards it, "The explorers must've gone down."

"I don't think they made it back up." The Iraqi looks down the pit.

"That winch still looks functional." Jason spots.



"We are not going down there! The archaeologists didn't make it out. What does that tell you?" Salim looks at Jason.

"We're not archaeologists."

"Our world is up there. Not down below."

"Well, there's an army of monsters between us and the world above."

Distant screeches cause you to spin around, "They're close, we should fire it up" you warn the obvious.

Jason marches to the elevator, you and Salim go too.

"Are you crazy?! If those vampires come from anywhere, its down there!" The latter man expresses his valid concern. "You really want to fight them in their own home?"

"Its what we've been doing since we set foot in this country." Jason argues back.

"Let's just get the elevator working!" You step in, attempting to stop the conversation.

Salim messes with the generator next to it, he pulls something causing it to croak a bit. You hear the quiet sound of the elevator making its way up the long chains, you look over the edge of the wooden pathway and see it getting closer.

It shakes as its stops in front of you three, the light inside  dangles side to side. You quickly make your way in, Jason immediately goes to the lever, pushing it up.

It drops abruptly before gently descending into the vampire lair.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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