"You still here Joey?" Nick questions, gun aimed towards the darkness of the tunnel you're now in.

Nick slowly walks away, you linger behind, waiting for Jason to walk in front. He doesn't. Instead he waits for you, signalling with his gun for you to go behind Nick, "Go ahead, I got your back" he mutters quietly.

You do as he says, not wanting to piss him off like previously. "I got yours too" you reassure as you reach Nick. He's crouched down at a helmet. There's a pair of glasses next to it.

"He's in bad shape. We gotta move fast" Jason's raspy, southern voice echoes slightly. Maybe more of reverberates. "Check your weapons, don't leave anything to chance"

You walk through the tunnels, reaching a small fork in it. Nick goes left after realising that going forwards just leads to a hole, "This fucking place"

There's a pool of blood on the floor, "He's hit bad. That much we can be sure of" Jason informs.

"Something really fucking nasty went on down here" Nicks voice gets lower.

He starts to walk around again, you get nearer to a hole in the wall, the echo of grunts getting louder.

"He's close"

"This is so fucked up" Nick complains.

Another split in the tunnel. He goes left first, again. You follow close behind, "Cover me" he picks up Joeys first aid kit.

He leaves the smaller tunnel and goes to the right, that, opening up to a larger area.

"He may not be alone" Jason whispers

You hear another groan of pain, "Joey? That you?" You ask, stepping closer. This time it's Jason turn to pull you back. He grabs your waist and gently pulls you closer to him, moving his body in front of yours protectively.

"Somethin ain't right here" Nick worries. You all begin to push forward slowly, stopping when Nick puts his hand up and then into a fist. That's when you spot him, the Iraqi who was shooting at Eric earlier.

Nick reacts quickly, shooting at him."Oh shit!" He shouts, hiding behind a fallen pillar, you and Jason run to the adjacent side. All of you shoot near him, none of them hitting.

You stop when you see something flying through the air.

"Grenade!" Nick shouts, jumping out of the way.

The explosion is loud, causing extra debris to fall down and rocks barricading Nick and the Iraqi elsewhere. Thankfully not together.

With all the commotion, you hadn't noticed that Jason shielded you from the grenade. You look up and see his eyes looking back. You heart flutters slightly before reality kicks in.

"Shit." Jason murmurs, removing himself from you and helping you up. This is the first time he's really seen you. His eyes go straight to the side of your face, where you'd recently hit it on a rock. "You never told me how you did that" his thumb gently strokes the side of your face.

You're quiet for a few seconds, your heart going faster than usual. A lot faster. "When we fell. I must have landed on something" you respond, those words being the max you can muster up and say.

He takes your chin in his other hand and turns your face fully to the side, "That looks like a scrape. You sure you fell down and didn't slide down?" He jokes, laughing gently.

You smile, "I probably did," he lets go of your face as you look to him, "all I heard was your voice and then everything was just gone"

"Gone?" His head tilts to the side, like a pug, "Oh, unconscious"

You nod at his revelation.

"Fuck. Nick has the first aid kit" he complains, shaking his head and looking down

"I still have mine in my bag" you tell him. His head shoots up, features looking relieved.

He walks around you and rifles through your backpack. He zips it closed once he has the kit in his hand. He pushes you back gently, your legs hitting a small boulder, causing you to sit down.

He opens the green box and pulls out antiseptic wipes. "It's gonna sting" he warns as he opens the packet they're in.

"It's fine. I can handle it" you say, trying to reassure yourself.

He gets closer to you, bending down slightly and moving your face to the side. "You ready?"

You nod.

He dabs the wipe gently at the top-side of your face, it definitely stings. He begins to properly wipe it, that's when the sting fully hits you. You suck in air quickly through your teeth, "shit" you mutter quietly.

He immediately stops, "you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah" you regain yourself. Jason doesn't move, his eyes still focused on you. You hold onto his wrist and guide his hand back to the scrape on the left of your face.

He continues his previous actions until most of the blood is gone.

Jason watches you as you sigh in relief, "It's fine, I can handle it" he mocks.

You laugh softly and shake your head, "I didn't think it would hurt that much" you defend.

"You got any Vaseline?" He asks out of the blue.

"Vaseline? Yeah, why?"

"It helps with the healing, don't want that pretty face of yours to be scarred by that scrape" he flirts.

You blush and look down as Jason once again digs through your bag. He returns to your side, sitting next to you on the boulder. It's surprisingly flat.

He gets some Vaseline on his finger and gently dabs it onto the edges of the graze. You've never seen him so gentle before. He slowly starts moving the cream to the middle of the scrape, where it tingles more than anything. The antiseptic wipes having numbed that side of your face.

He finishes, putting the lid back into the petroleum jelly and wiping the remaining onto his trousers. He reaches behind you and puts it haphazardly into your bag, zipping it up too.

"Your face feel better?" He asks, staying sat next to you.

You grow more aware of him. His shoulder's touching yours, along with his arm and leg.

"Yeah, a lot better. Thank you" your voice gradually becomes quieter, your eyes flickering around his features. Him doing the same.

You don't realise how close you get until his nose softly presses into yours, your hand moves to his jaw, thumb stroking his cheekbone.

He places his hand onto your hip, the other going to your neck, cautious not to touch your wound.

He's the first one to close the distance, his mouth moves gently against yours. The hand on your waist tightens slightly before moving to cup your jaw. Your lips fit together like a jigsaw. Like they're meant for each other. Like you're meant for each other.

He separates from you briefly, resting his forehead onto yours. He breathes deeply before capturing your mouth again. His gentleness turning more into eagerness and need.

You sit like this for another minute, as though you two were stuck in a trance. You pull apart reluctantly, gazing into his eyes, Jason replicating your actions.

He clears his throat, "We should find Nick". He stands up and reaches his hand out, helping you up too.

He doesn't let go of it as he picks up his gun and walks over to the wall of rocks, pulling you along behind him.

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