"Aw, shit. Sorry. What's in that box of tricks anyway?"

You walk around the table, siding next to Eric. He hands the wand to you. You turn it on and wave it around at him.

"What the fuck is that?"

"Ultraviolet light, we can use it to sweep for explosives" you tell him.

"Pretty and smart, you got it all dontcha'" Merwin comments. "Now, let me have a go" he reaches over to grab it.

Eric takes it out of your hand, "No" he places it back in its container. "How much longer on that download Clarice? I need it asap"

Clarice tuts and sighs loudly, "is five minutes asap enough for you?" She sits down, "downloading data now".

"You should double check the satellite maps" you mutter to Eric, he nods in agreement.

"Not the greatest bandwidth" Clarice complains.

"We can work with what we've got" King says. You watch him as he looks at the ring on his necklace.

"Does she not wear the ring anymore?" You ask in a hushed whisper.

He spins around to face you, "No, she said we needed to talk though. Maybe it's about our marriage?"

"Possibly. Don't have too much hope though, and go easy on her. She had to manage all these men on her own" you look around at everyone still in the room.

Eric laughs and nods, "Yeah, that'd be tough for even me to do" he looks towards Jason, "hey, would you go check the equipment with Jason for me, please?" There's a smirk on his face.

"Okay, sir, but I know what you're doing" you squint your eyes at him in a joking manner as you walk towards them.

Nick spots you first, he gives a curt nod, "Y/n, right?"

"Yeah, good guess?" He fist bumps you.

"Nah, Jason was telling me about you"

"Oh. Really?" You turn to look at him.

"Just sayin' what you told me earlier. Anyway what're you here for?" He nods his head up.

"Colonel asked me to check equipment with you boys" you notice Nick starts to look a little distant, you leave him to zone out whilst he still can.

"Well, we're packing H.E, flash bang, Willie Pete..." he looks at Nick, "Nick, did you hear a word I said?"

He turns quickly to look at Jason, "high-ex, flashbangs, white phosphorus. Yeah, I heard."

"Good. Stay focused" his tone softens.

"You're bringing white phosphorus?" You look to Jason.

"Just for popping smoke, ma'am."

"Oh, only for cover then"

"That's all" he assures. Eric would probably fume if it was used for other reasons.

"That will definitely put the Colonels mind at rest"

"Why's he so tense all the time anyway?" Nick speaks up.

"Im not entirely sure... maybe the stress of being somewhere new? Just, if he says anything harsh, don't take it to heart." You speak quieter, "he says what comes to his mind, he never really means it"

Jason nods in agreement, "Yeah, you were telling me that earlier"

"That's good to know" Nick adds, "so, how are you liking everything so far?"

"It's actually good, no one seems too tense or on-edge, people get along really well" you look at Jason, "but it's very hot here"

Nick and Jason laugh, "you wait till we get to the site, even hotter" Kolchek informs you.

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