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Nicks face gets closer to Jason's, his eyebrows furrowing as he prepares his next question.

"You seriously gonna tell me it didn't mess with your head too?" The sergeant asks. You both hope for the answer to be yes, to show that he has got some humanity in him.

"We fucked up." He finally responds. "If we make it out of here, we'll face up to that. If we die down here, maybe we deserve it"

The mention of past mistakes makes you reminisce.

Reminisce is too positive of a word... it's a forced memory. A memory of when you were back in the UK, with your old team.

A mistake you made cost them their lives.

Everyone kept telling you 'Oh, it's not your fault' or 'Don't let the guilt eat you alive' all that type of stuff. Some positive some negative.

You were working with intelligence that day, thought a day from the field would do you good, get a look of what happens on the other side of the radio. Oh how you wish you could go back and change what you did.

It wasn't on purpose, of course it wasn't. That's why they still let you remain in the marines.

You didn't want to leave either, wanted to do more good deeds to avenge for them. Avenge your own actions.

Maybe it's your way of grief. After all, you lost some of your closest friends due to it.

A voice breaks you out, "You good there?" Jason asks, his hand resting in your shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine" you mutter, voice breaking slightly as you quickly wipe a small tear from your cheek.

"Are you sure? You can tell me if you're not..." he reassures. You look behind his head, seeing Nick waiting, most likely impatiently.

You stand up, having placed everything onto the pillars, and walk towards the door, "We ready to go?" You ask.

He nods, "All armed" he opens the door with a grunt, Jason hastily catches up to you both and walks through the door first.

"Dropkick. This is Mailman Two-One Actual. We're at a stairwell leading down into a maze. Please advise. Over" Jason places the radio back onto his vest, sneaking a quick glance at you before Eric responds.

"Acknowledged. Pull back know and secure the perimeter. Dropkick out."

"Mount a camera here and then let's head back" He turns to Nick.


Whilst on your way back, you'd managed to walk into another wide open area.

There's a chasm down the middle of it and an old, wooden radio tower laying horizontally on it. It's almost like a bridge, except it's no where near the other side of the ravine.

"Looks like a line out" you tell them, walking ahead slightly.

"Maybe we can get the radio working and send a signal out" The sergeant suggests.

"It's worth a shot" you encourage.

"A long shot" Jason slightly disapproves. "We don't know if there's a working transmitter on the surface" you all walk right up to the tower.

You hear something faint. Distant. You're probably just hearing things...

"These wires gotta go somewhere though" Kolchek continues. "You think they still work?"

"Looks to me like they just snagged up" Nick observes all the lines leading downwards and upwards to the hidden surface.

You hear it again. It's definitely not your mind playing tricks now. You ignore Jason's next words, fully focusing on that noise.

You see it. Some weird beast, similar to the other but more human like. It's coming after Jason, however.

You move without thought and push him out of the way, taking the impact meant for him.

The thing tackles you onto the tower, it creaks with each spin you take. It pushes you onto your back and growls right into your face.

Is that...

"What the fuck... Joey?" You squint, looking closer and not trusting your eyes.

His skin is a pale blue. Theres two horns growing out of his forehead, and his teeth...

His front two teeth are replaced with fangs, like a vampire. His eyes have no essence of human in them.

The only indicator that it's Joey is the hair and uniform.

You attempt to back up, to no avail, he grabs your ankles and pulls you under him.

You use the momentum to spin over him again, getting further to the edge, but not there yet.

Somehow he's on top of you again. His hand claws deep at your shoulder with sharp nails as you push his chest away from you with your outstretched arms. Your knees start to curl up to your chest, building up some power.

You launch them into him, it does very little, but enough to let you move closer to the two marines.

Jason's already stood on the tower, his hands grabbing your waist and pulling you back onto safe grounds, holding you into his side.

Joey starts to flop around, as though he's losing control of his body, and manages to stand up.

Eric runs through the middle of you, "Stand down Corporal Gomez!"

Nothing clicks in his head, he just walks towards you specifically, like it's his purpose.

Eric pulls out the UV wand, Joey lights up, his body resembling a campfire, just... more gruesome and brutal.

You watch as he stumbles around and drops off the tower, into the abyss below.

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