"If I think for one second you're trying to cross me," Jason starts up, talking to Salam from his place behind you. "Best believe me, the following second, you're dead."

Salim stops midway through the hallway you're all walking in and turns to look at Jason, "I kill vampires, you think I'm afraid of a jar head?"

You can't help but chuckle slightly as you look at the man, he raises an eyebrow.

"Sorry" you mutter, still smiling. He shakes his head, a very small smirk playing on his face.

You hear Salims footsteps taking off again and follow him into an open room, there's a few lights in there as well as rubble and debris laying around.

You walk over to a corner, a crumpled statue towering beside a door. "That looks like our best way through."

The two boys appear next to you. "We will hold up the gate, whilst you slip under." Salim suggests, already getting into a position to hold it up, Jason copies.

As soon as there's enough of a gap, you crawl underneath, trying to keep your face from the dirty floor.

You stand up just in time to dodge the rocks falling from above when Jason and Salim dropped the gate.

"You two okay?" You shout over the sound still emerging from their side.

"It's blocked!" You hear Jason's rasped voice, "We gotta find another way around."

You wander around, almost stumbling over a ridge in the ground. You spot a gap in the wall.

"I think there's a way through!" You alert them, "I just need to clear it from my side."

"Be careful. Those things could be anywhere." Salim warns you.

You focus on moving the boulders out of the way whilst the other two talk to each other.

They're starting to get along.

Their voices get closer as they walk to the now open gate.

"You ready?" Jason asks.

"Go ahead, I'll help too" You grip the makeshift handle on the gate and begin to lift, it's heavy.

Jason comes through first, dust washing his torso as he immediately helps you lift it, the gate becomes a lot lighter.

Salim takes a few seconds longer to get under, but once he does, the both of you drop the gate. A thud echoes as it connects with the floor.

"Thanks," they both mutter.

You politely nod before fully exploring the new room. Its almost double the size of the previous one, more lamps too.

"Whats the first thing you're gonna do when we get outta here?" Jason asks, his question aimed at Salim.

"Hold my son", there's a small bit of hope laced in his voice, "What about you guys?"

"I'll probably just go for a drink" the southern man responds. "You're welcome to join" he faces you.

"I got no one waiting at home," you shrug, accepting his offer.

"Come help with this door!" Salim shouts over. Neither of you had noticed that he'd moved across the room.

You begin to push the door, however, Salim stops. "What is the meaning of those markings on your hat?"

You both release the door, staying in a relaxed position.

"Its to honour the dead. It's the reason I fight." Jason tells him quietly.

"It's as good a reason as any."

"It's a damn good reason" he continues, "the only reason."

Salim sighs, "I have no grievance with you"

"Then maybe you need to switch on the news." Jason snaps back, causing you to look at him to gauge his reaction. Is he offended?

"Listen." the Iraqi scoffs, "There was a man once who built his house on the banks of a river, when the floods came, his wall washed away.  When the droughts came, the water dried up and the man was thirsty. All day, the insects bit this man's flesh. Yet, each night, he says to his wife 'we have all the fish we can eat'." Salim looks between you both, "Your people chose this war, Jason."

"I think you need to give your mouth a rest." That's all he can respond with.

The three of you go back to shoving open the door.

That familiar croak emerges from behind you, you spin around and see it slowly crawling out of the well-type structure. The boys next to you notice it too as you pull your gun in front of you and begin shooting at it.

Jason goes to help, you stop him, "Keep trying to open the door". He listens to you and quickly returns to helping Salim.

The creature starts to rise as you stop shooting. Its like its charging up or something. It pushes you out of the way before launching itself into the door, smashing it open. 

Jason and Salim get knocked to the floor in the process.

The vampire recovers quicker than the three of you, it swipes at Salim, thankfully he dodges it. It jumps onto him, about to attack.

Jason runs over, pulling out his knife and submerging it into the side of the creature. It knocks him back.

You run over and pick up Salim's pipe as he holds it out to you, clutching his side. Lifting the long metal up, you hastily slam it into it's back, it doesn't go deep enough to kill it. Jason pushes it up slightly, allowing you more space to shove the pipe down so that you don't accidentally catch him with it.

It stops moving. You pause for a moment, then remove the pipe, Jason shoves its body off him.

Salim walks over and you pass him back his weapon before helping Jason up.

The three of you look to each other, then to the vampire.

"I say we get the fuck out of here."

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