2. Party O'clock

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It was finally time for the Christmas party. I'd found a cute little dress to wear and we went for it. Of course I ended drinking a lot. "Y/n, we're getting you back." Farleigh said to me. I then looked at the clock.

"But it's two in the morning. I'm not done yet." I said to him while slurring my words. He then took my glass from me putting it down.

"And that's why you're leaving." He said to me with a smile. He then put his arm around me. "We're going to go before someone passes out on the floor." He said to Felix.

"But it's not the end of the night yet." Felix said and I looked out him putting my hands towards him.

"Exactly. It's still early." I said to him and Farleigh looked at the two of us.

"Y/n. We're leaving." Farleigh said and he then walked me out.

"Fine. Bye Felix love you." I said to him and then I looked at Farleigh. "You can be such an ass sometimes." I said to him and he looked at me.

"I might be an ass sometimes. But it's all for the right reasons." He said to me and then he got me to my dorm room. I couldn't even find the right key. "Give them here." He said to me and I shook my head.

"I've got it." I said to him and I still couldn't.

"No you don't." He said and he took the keys from me opening the door. I then hugged him.

"Thank you. You are the best." I said to him and he smiled at me.

"Get some sleep Y/n. You need it." He said to me before he walked away. I just closed the door. Propping a chair against it. I managed to stumble over to the bed before collapsing on it. I was out for the night. During the next couple of classes I'd really felt like I was learning. Sometimes. Depending on if I was hungover or not. I was just glad for our next pub night.

"There's no seats left." I said as everyone sat down.

"We can share." Farleigh said to me ans everyone looked at us. They really thought there was something with us.

"Sounds like a plan." I said to him as I walked over to him. Sitting on his lap. He then put an arm around me to make sure I wouldn't fall off. Felix then passed me a drink. "Thank you." I said to him and I then pressed myself up closer to Farleigh.

"What about personal space?" He whispered to me and I looked at him.

"You were the one that wanted me to sit here. Don't act like you don't enjoy it." I said to him with a smile and I then looked away. Drinking my beer. We all then started talking in the group.

"Oh! There he is. Ollie! Oliver! Oliver! Come here, mate! Yeah, come here. Come here. What? Come here." Felix said as he waved his new friend over. He then walked over to us. "Hiya, mate." Felix said to him. He looked so awkward.

"Hi." Oliver said to us.

"This is my fucking hero right here. I was just telling everyone how you saved my arse yesterday." Felix said and I saw that Farleigh had a cigarette. He saw the look I was giving him and let me have a puff of it.

"So cute." Two of girls said to him. I just stayed silent.

"Hey, take a seat. I owe you a drink. Here, shove up, yeah." Felix said to some people.

"So there was somewhere for you to sit." Farleigh whispered to me.

"Yeah, here." I said to him and he smiled at me. Me and him had that kind of friendship. A flirty one.

"Oh, sorry. Are you with a friend?" Felix asked Oliver who was looking behind him.

"Er, no, they just left." Oliver said and he then sat down to join us all.

"So, erm, what college are you in, mate?" A guy asked him.

"Yours." Oliver answered, I'd never seen him here before.

"Right. And, er, what are you studying?" He was asked but he never answered. We then continued on with the night.

"Shots. Shots. Shots." We all chanted as Oliver took a shot. I was still on Farleigh's lap. He wouldn't allow me to move.

"Wait, wait, wait, Jägerbombs. Jäagerbombs!" Farleigh said with a smile and a laugh.

"That would be perfect." I said to him with a smile. He then passed me his cigarette so that I could have a puff of it before I handed it back to him.

"It's your round, man." Farleigh said to Oliver. It was. We'd all brought a round.

"Yeah, go on, mate." Someone said to him.

"I should go to bed." Oliver said to us and he wasn't getting out of this.

"Wait, no, no, no. No, you can't snake your way out of a round." Farleigh said to him and Oliver looked at him.

"I'm...im not." Oliver said to him.

"Oh, really?" I asked him. I was buying into this bullshit.

"It looks like you are." Farleigh said to him and that's when everyone started to boo him. Apart from Felix.

"Okay! Okay." Oliver said and he stood up. Leaving for the bar.

"Farleigh." Felix said to him once Oliver was gone.

"What?" Farleigh asked him.

"Just cut him a break, mate." Felix said to him, that wasn't going to happen. This is Farleigh he was talking to.

"What?" Farleigh asked him.

"That round's gonna cost a fucking fortune." Felix said to him. But there were still rules to follow.

"Pub rules, Felix." Farleigh said to him.

"Exactly and you can't break pub rules." I said to him with a smile. I then stood up.

"Someone gets it." Farleigh said and I then made my way to the bathroom. When I came back everyone and just started to take a drink.

"Thank you, Ollie." I said as I passed him. That's when everyone started to chant.

"Ollie! Ollie! Ollie!" We all said. I then lit up a cigarette and started to down my Jägerbomb. When the night ended Farleigh walked me back again.

"Thank you." I said to him as he stood in my doorway.

"For what?" He asked me and I looked at him with a smile.

"For walking me back." I said to him with a smile. He smiled back at me.

"I need to make sure you get home safely." He said to me and I kissed his cheek. I saw a smile appear on his face.

"Well goodnight." I said to him and he smiled at me. Kissing my cheek.

"Good night, Y/n." He said before he walked away. Did that really just happen. The next time we all had a gathering for a club outing I was dancing with Farleigh for some of it. Next was the costume party. I was dressed up as a nurse. Farleigh was just dressed as himself. He had two party hats on his head.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked him as I walked over to him. Wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his chest looking up at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said to me and I looked at him.

"But you don't look like it. You can tell me whatever's troubling. I'll listen." I said to him with a smile. He knew that. We always shared what was happening.

"But this time it's nothing. I promise." He said and he put an arm around me.

"If your sure." I said to him and I kissed his cheek before walking away. I went over to Beth.

"And you two are just friends." She said to me as I sat next to her and put my head on my shoulder.

"Best friends." I said to her and she shook her head at me.

"You can't be. Especially with how he looks at you." She said to me and that had me questioning things differently. Maybe we should be seeing each other in that way.

 With Love // Farleigh X Reader // Saltburn ✔️Where stories live. Discover now