4. Saltburn

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It was the day I was heading back to Saltburn. Farleigh was with me. We'd have to talk about our new arrangements. When we both walked into together. It felt like being back at home again. Duncan greeted us. "Ah, Miss. Lauder you're joining us again. We've got your room prepared for you." He said and that's when Farleigh looked at him.

"She won't be needing it. She'll be with me." Farleigh said as the two of us left our bags where we were good to.

"So, I've gone from sharing a bathroom with Venetia to sharing a room with you. Now that is one big fucking leap." I said to him with a smile. We started to make our way to the library. Apparently Oliver was staying as well. We couldn't escape him.

"But a good one I hope." He said to me. We had to make a pit stop at his room. I mean our room. He needed his laptop we then both started making our way to the library. That's when I saw Elspeth.

"Look, it's the new happy couple. Don't they both look happy together. You know, I always wondered why you both never got together. Didn't I always say that. Now you have." Elspeth said to James, Felix and to her friend Pamela that was staying over. I hadn't seen Venetia just yet.

"Well, it took long enough." Farleigh said as he sat on a chair pulling me onto his lap. I then put his laptop in my legs so that he could use it. I was watching Superbad which was playing on the TV. James and Felix were laughing at the movie and I looked at Farleigh.

"I don't see the humour in this movie." I said to Farleigh as he let me have a smoke of his cigarette.

"Maybe because it's not that funny." He said to me and how I wished something else was on.

"Darling, where's Liverpool?" Elspeth asked her, I wasn't surprised that she didn't know where it was.

"Er, north." James said and I just continued to watch the movie.

"It's called Prescot." Farleigh said to Elspeth.

"Oh, it'll be some awful slum." Elspeth said to us all.

"Mmm. A sort of hellish squat." Pamela said to her agreeing. Maybe it was nicer than what everyone thought.

And both his parents were dealing. God, and his mother's a drunk. I mean, babies can be really affected. Traumatised." Elspeth said and there was a name for that.

"Oh, they come out drunk." Pamela said. That was when Elspeth looked back at Farleigh and I.

"Is that right, that he had to put his fingers down his mothers throat to make her sick?" She asked and I nodded at her.

"Yeah." We both said to her.

"Farleigh, Y/n, That's private stuff." Felix said, like he wasn't the one that told us.

"Well, you told us." Farleigh said to to him.

"In confidence." Felix said to us.

"It's awful, darling. Can you imagine doing that too me." Elspeth said and I couldn't imagine doing that to anyone.

"I think that's actually rather normal when you're poor. I think, when you're poor, that sort of thing does happen a little bit more." Pamela said and my father had many cases like that when he started out.

"We should give him the most wonderful time." Elspeth said and that would be impossible to do.

"Good luck, he doesn't smile much." Farleigh said and I looked at him.

"In fact I don't think I've ever seen him smile." I said that was the one thing that confused me with Oliver. If he was ever happy he never showed it.

"Farleigh seems to think he's ghastly. Why are you friends with him, darling?" Elspeth asked him. I know that I wasn't. But maybe it was because Farleigh and Oliver were in the same class. Who knew.

 With Love // Farleigh X Reader // Saltburn ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora