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Auschwitz, Poland 1944

Third POV

A young boy surrounded by a large group of people that are being pushed around by armed guards as children are forced away from their parents including Phineas Waltz.

Phineas and many others children separated from their parents as many of the parents shouted for their children and at the armed guards. Martha, Phineas Waltz's mother shouting for her son as both separated, as both try to fight the armed guards.

"Mama!, Mama!" Phineas shouted as he screamed as he hit the guards holding him back as he yells and yells a noise is heard from the gate and it starts moving on it's own and bending forward as if Phineas was calling to it.

A guard was knock Phineas out with a butt of his gun as Phineas falls to the ground while his mother is forced away as a man watches from above the building.

Westchester,New York 1944

A young Charles Xavier age twelve awakens from his peacefully sleep in his families mansion to a noise in his house he slowly gets up grabbing a baseball bat and quietly walking down the stairs to see a light on in the kitchen.

As Charles walks into the kitchen to see the fridge open as a blonde elderly woman wearing red smiled at him with her hands resting on her hips.

"Mother. What are you...I thought you were a burglar." Young Charles said while dropping his baseball bat to his side.

"I didn't mean to scare you, darling. I was getting a snack. Go back to bed." Sharon the boy's mother said to him with a British accent.

Her saying this to Charles make him go quite and just stares at his 'mother'

"What's the matter? Go back to bed." She said trying to get him to leave but he remains silent.

"I'll make you a hot chocolate." The boy's mother said while putting her hands on her hands slightly bending over to reach his height but Charles just stares at her than to a picture of them before looking at her.

"Who are you? And what have you done with my mother?" Charles said making his mother stif up as he used his powers to speak in her mind.

"My mother has never set foot in this kitchen in her life. And she certainly never made me a hot chocolate, unless you count ordering the maid to do it." Charles voice echoed in the woman's mind causing her to move back holding her head as Charles chuckled softly.

His mother looks back to him in fear but her body slowly morphs into a young girl with beautiful blue skin with scales like markings with red bright red hair.

"You're not scared of me?" A young blue skinned girl asked him with a tone of confusion.

Charles was about to say something, when the door closed on its own. Charles looked at the young girl and she moved as Charles sees a boy a little younger than him floating a knife in mid air.

"You're not scared of us?" The young boy said him with a tone of confusion as he dropped the knife.

"I always believed I couldn't be the only one in the world. The only person who was...different. And here you two are. Charles Xavier." Charles said to him happily he is not alone anymore as he holds his hand to them.

"Raven." She said shaking his hand.

"Erik." The boy said shaking his hand as well.

"You're guys hunger and alone. Take whatever you want. We've got lots of food. You don't have to steal. In fact, you never have to steal again." Charles said while offering his home to Raven and Erik, as both of them chuckles happily.

At a Nazi concentration camp in Poland

A older man named Sebastian Shaw but using the name Dr Klaus Schmidt addresses a young Phineas in his office, as he sits in front of Phineas and Phineas stands in front of his next scared out of his mind.

"Understand this, Phineas...these Nazis, I'm not like them. Genes are the key, yes? But their goals? Blue eyes? Blonde hair? Pathetic." Shaw said to Phineas and Phineas shakes in fear, the man hands him a piece of chocolate.

"Eat the chocolate. It's good. Want some?"

"I want to see my mama." A young Phineas said with tears in his eyes but Shaw ignores him.

"Genes are the key that unlocks the door to a new age, Phineas. A new future for mankind. Evolution. You know what I'm talking about? It's a simple thing I ask of you. A little coin is nothing compared to a big gate. Is it?"

Phineas tries to move the coin on the desk with his powers but fails.

"I tried, Herr Doctor. I can't...I don't...It's impossible."

"Then one thing I can say for the Nazis is their methods seem to produce results. I'm sorry, Phineas." Shaw said to him clicking his tongue as he rings the bell and two man come into the room holding Martha Phineas' mother tightly.


"My darling. How are you? Nein!" She asks her son while telling men separating her from her child.

"Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to count to three..." Shaw said to Phineas as he opens a drawer and pulls out a gun.

"...and you're going to the coin. You don't move the coin, I pull the trigger." He finishes his sentence making both Phineas and his mother Martha to shake in fear as Shaw points the gun at Marie.


Phineas attempts to move it again without success with a sense of urgency but this annoys Shaw.



"You can do it." Martha said to her son making him try harder but no success.

"Two." Shaw said now angry.

Phineas looks back at his mother as he smiles at him and tries again.

"Alles ist gut. Alles ist gut." Martha said to her son as he tries again but Shaw has run out of patients.

"Three." Shaw said as he shoots and kills Marie which causes a Martha to grow in rage crushing a small metal ball.

"Yes. Wonderful."

Phineas continues to grow in rage crushing a small metal cabinet.


Phineas no longer has control his powers he crushes the soldiers helmets crushing them immense pain as they die as Shaw smiles happily. Shaw consoles him Phineas once he gains control and stops standing there in tears.

"Outstanding, Phineas. So we unlock your gift with anger. Anger and pain. You and me...we're going to have a lot of fun together." Shaw said as he puts the coin in his hand before leaving the room.

Dundee, Illinois 1944

On a average street in a average neighborhood lives a small family a human father and a human mother but their children are not so normal. Their twins Henry and Vincent are not normal but very unique.

Henry to youngest twin has a peculiar pair of feet which allows him to hang up side down which always makes his brother laugh.

William the eldest twin is much more peculiar than his brother he resembles a wolf. The twins parents are very loving towards both of them, they don't seem to care how peculiar they are.

One night as both of the children of age four sleep peacefully a storm begins to start which cause Vincent to jump in fright and turn into a wolf cub and starts running as quick as his wolf legs can go racing into the next room, his brother's room.

Vincent gently wakes up Henry up by bumping his head on his as he opens his eyes looking at his then seeing the lightning outside before opening the blanket up so he can snuggle underneath him.

The baby wolf slowly starts to pur as he snuggles into his brother's arms as he slowly turns back into a human child snuggling closer to Henry's arms as both children slowly go back to sleep with smiles on their faces.

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