Chapter Thirteen

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Vincent's POV

Jack, Nik, Angel and I are currently sitting in the garden just enjoying each other's company.

"So guys, tell us about yourself." Jack ask then while small birds sit by us as he pets on in his hand.

"What..would you want to you." Nik tells me.

"Tell me about your life before Charles and Phineas found you." I said as he nods as is reluctant to answer.

"Umm.. I found out about wings when I was young. My mutation came first I was twelve, my mom was disgusted by them and by me." Angel tells us as she starts tearing up but she continued to talking.

"My mom sent me to be experienced on. Three years later, I found my way to taxi driver they found me at and now I am here." Angel tells us refusing to look at us as he cries silently.

"Well, my parents never loved me so when I was ten, when I killed a man when he was trying to kidnap me. So I triggered my mutant gene. That's when my parents kicked me out and I was on my own. And I was taken in by two human people and they experimented me. Years later, I found my working at a dinner and they found me and now I am here." Nik tell refusing to look at us as he cries silently.

"We have no idea how you guys feel and we're not going to pretend to you guys what you guys feel but we want you to know if you need someone to talk to or someone to listen or just there in silence let us you know we will help okay?" We say in unison.

" Can I ask you a question?" Angel asks as the birds fly away.

"Sure. Go for it."

"Why are you being so nice to us?" She asks me curiously.

"We are mutant we need to stick together." Jack tell them with a smile as they smiles back.

"I've never had someone be so kind to us." Nik tells us which makes us sad and we hug them tightly.

"Well I will always help you no matter what." I say making him smile happily.

"Charles has been looking for you." Jarvis tells us as he appears beside us.

"Hey, Charles is looking for me and I am guessing for training, so do you wanna come with me

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"Hey, Charles is looking for me and I am guessing for training, so do you wanna come with me." Jack say to him as he nods and we both get up.

"How did you know Charles was looking for you?" Nik asks in confusion.

"Oh..we have a A.I named Jarvis nods his is connected to basically, everything so he lets us know things, such as Charles needing us. If you ever need me just say it and Jarvis will tell me and I will find you okay?" I say to him.

"Thank you I mean that." Angel tells Jack as Jarvis leads the way to Charles.

As Jackson, Angel, Nik, Jarvis and I walk to the back of Charles house to the grass we see Charles standing in the middle of the lawn.

"Thank Jarvis ." I say to him as he nods and fades away.

"Hello Vin, Jack, Nik, Angel how are you guys setting in?" Charles asks all of us as we stands next to him.

"I am doing good, thank you for letting us stay here." Nik tells him as we stare off at the sun slowly going down.

"As we are and Charles you have a beautiful home." I say to him as he smiles at me.

"So, Vin I had I thought since you can one summon animal why can't wait you summon more than lots more." Charles said to me.

"So, I want you to summon a lot of animals to you as many as you can. Have a go."


"We do you want do when you summon a animal but concentrate on as many animals you can." Charles replies to me as I nod and breathe out.

"You got this Vin." Jack encourage me.

I nod to him and I breathe out of my nose before closing my eyes and locating animals closer by and I bring them to me. I feel an animal near me so I open my eyes and I see one deer I took my eyes before looking at Charles with a now what look.

"'s try it okay."

"Vin, I want you to feel your powers okay I want you to feel it in your veins. When you do feel it want you to release your powers." Charles said to me I once again nod and breathe out my nose before closing my eyes once again.

As I shut my eyes breathing in slowly trying to relax. I listen to the sound of the wind, the animals of all sizes walking, running climbing through the forest. I completely relax my body letting my mind flow freely as I release my power. I can feel it and see it in my mind flowing in the air touching the ground and trying to reach the sky.

I feel my power flowing though the minds of animals everywhere near me, my eyes bust open covered in blue mist, but I am not seeing anything as I entered the minds of the animals. I call fourth the animals bringing them to me.

I close my eyes making the blue mist disappear as I reopen them seeing the same blue mist in the animals eyes and I just let out of air of giggles and I look at Charles, Jack, Angle, and Nik smiling happily at them as they smile back.

"I told you, you can do it." Nik tells me as he runs into my arms as I tell the animals to leave.

"Congratulations, Vin but before we all call it a day, I have one more thing I feel you can do." He said to me gently put Nik down my side.

"Okay let's do it." He nods to walk up to us.

"There is this thing power called Avatar Projection. It means to project a animal around you to basically become the animal. Now, I want you to found one single animal any in the world. Than I want you to project it out of you surrounding you. Okay let's have a go." Charles said us he moves back bring Nik with him.

I close my eyes and I focus on a bird bring it fourth and just like summoning animals I feel blue mist coming out of my as I feel it connecting to my body as I open my eyes.

I look around and I see that I am inside of the blue mist. I turn to Charles, Jack, Angel, and Nik as they smile at me. I start to fly up in the air laughing as the black mist follows around me after a few minutes I land on the grass making the mist disappear.

"That was amazing." I say to them loudly.

"Yes indeed it was Vin." Charles tells me hugging me as I blush.

"I am so proud of you." Jack tells me.

"Well today was a great success. Now let's head inside it is getting dark." Charles tells us both as we head inside with Charles arm wrapping around my waist.

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