Chapter Twelve

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Charles Xavier Mansion

Third POV

Outside Charles mansion stands Phineas and Charles, both standing two meters apart as Charles points a gun point blank in his face.

"You sure?" Charles asks as his hand starts shaking.

"I'm sure." Phineas said as he smiles at him.

"Got it. No! No, I can't! I'm sorry. I can't shoot anybody in point blank, let alone my friend." Charles said dropping the gun to his side.

"Oh, come on! You know I can deflect it. You're always telling me I should push myself." Phineas tells Charles as he bring Charles hand with the gun to his face touching his forehead.

"If you know you can deflect it, then you're not challenging yourself! Whatever happened to the man who's...who's trying to raise a submarine?" Charles fought him taking the gun and handing it back to Phineas.

"Well, I can't! Something that big, I...I need the situation, the anger." Phineas said to him believing angry is the reason for his powers.

"No, the anger is not enough." Charles tries to persuade him.

"Well, it's gotten the job done all this time."

"It's nearly gotten you killed all this time.

"Here come here. Let's try something a little more challenging."

Charles opens a bunker door as he and Quinton walk in Quinton holding a mannequin.

"My stepfather took the possibility of nuclear war quite seriously. This way, that is why he had this bunkers built down here. I thought we could use this as a practice range." Charles told Quinton as he puts down the mannequin before walking to the other side of the bunker.

"Your don't think I am going to blow this up."

"No, he had this made to which stance a nuclear bomb. I can handle you Quinn."

"You know, when I do this bad things tend to happen."

"That's because you can't control it. It controls you. That's why we're here, Quinn. That's why we're training.

Outside with Sean and Charles begins training as Sean sends scream to the glass destroying it in one go.

"What you're doing is incredible. You're hitting a pitch with sound waves at the same resolute frequency as the glass. That's why it shattered. But like any other muscle in the body. You can control it." Charles tells him.

Charles and Hank both run on the gravel rock drive way as they come to a stop.

"In each of us, two natures are at war."

"Robert Louis Stevenson, Jekyll and Hyde." Hank answer him as they both pant.

"Top marks. The story wasn't about good and evil though, was it Hank? It was about man's animal nature and his struggle to control it, to conform. And it's that struggle which is holding you back."

"No. Jekyll was afraid of what he could be capable of."

"And you are too."

Back at the bunker with Quinn and Charles they stand at the other side of the room looking at the mannequin.

"If your serious about me doing this. You might want to back up."

"Right okay. Shall I shut the door?" Charles asks outside the bunker as Quinn nods and he slowly shuts the metal door.

"Whenever your ready." Charles said as Quinn stretches.

Outside the bunker the green light turns red as Charles smile and head in the bunker as he opens the bunker his smile completely disappears at the sight of the fire everywhere in the room before taking out the fire.

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