Chapter Fourteen

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Charles Xavier Mansion

Third POV

Charles, Raven, Erik, Jack, Angel, Nik, Darwin, Sean, Quinton, Hank, Phineas, Ryan, Moria and Vincent are all sitting in one of Charles rooms watching the television as they listen to President Kennedy's speech about the Cube missile crisis.

"That's where we're gonna find Shaw." Phineas tells the group pointing at the screen.

"How do you know?" Quinton said to him.

"Two super powers facing off, and he wants to start world war three. He won't leave anything to chance." Charles explains to him.

"So much of diplomacy. I suggest you all get a good night sleep." Phineas points to the younger mutants.

Hank's Lab

"I have a surprise for you two. I...isolated the right maker in your guys DNA sample. The serum works like an anti-biotic, attacking the cells that cause our physical mutation. It won't effect our abilities, just our appearance. You guys do still wanna do this?" Hank questions Raven and Erik as gives the cure but Raven and Erik looks at it in sadness remembering Jack and Vin said little speech to them.

"Should we have to hide?" Raven questions him.

"Well, you guys all ready do. You're hiding right now, like I have my whole life. I don't wanna feel like a freak all the time. I just wanna look..."



"Hank, don't! You're beautiful, Hank. Everything you are, you're perfect. Look at all of us? Look at all we've achieved this week? All we will achieve? We are different. But we shouldn't be trying to fit into society. Society should aspire to be more like us. Mutant." Raven tells him as she stands and changes her eyes at 'mutant'

" Raven tells him as she stands and changes her eyes at 'mutant'

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"And proud." Raven spoke to him as he shape-shifts into his natural blue form.

"Well then, it be hooves me to tell you, that even if we save the world tomorrow, and mutants are accepted into society, that my feet and your natural blue form will never be deemed beautiful

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"Well then, it be hooves me to tell you, that even if we save the world tomorrow, and mutants are accepted into society, that my feet and your natural blue form will never be deemed beautiful." Hank and Erik's voice tells them as he as she to stood up watching as Raven turns back into human form.

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