Chapter 1

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Author's Note from 2024: Welcome! This story is a slow burn with really fantastic character development and callbacks. As I wrote the first sixteen chapters at seventeen-eighteen, and the back 20+ chapters in my 30's, the writing gets better. I promise. I hope you enjoy.

Original Author's Note from 2006: Hey everyone! I've been toying with a new story idea so here it is. I'm not going to give you a summary because I'm not exactly sure in what direction I'm going with this (other than, Naley!). Also, just so people don't think I'm plagiarizing, I got the idea for the chapter titles with "A Tree Hill Raven..." from the series "The It Girl" by Cecily vonZegiler which I recommend everyone read. This story was kind of inspired by those books, just with it's whole prep school feel. Nothing more though. It's plot is in no way shape or form based on those books. Now onto the story... leave reviews and let me know what you think!

Chapter One: A Tree Hill Raven always keeps his or her guard up.

Haley James turned from the airport gate, her auburn hair shining from the light coming through the windows, giving her mother a sad look. "Do I really have to go mom?"

"Honey, it's for the best. You need to get away from California and all the drama that'll stay with it."

"But North Carolina? It's so far away. It'll be boring. Nothing like out here."

"It's where I grew up Haley, and I think you'll enjoy it. I just want you to have a fresh new start. Besides this boarding school is the best of the best."

"Which is why I shouldn't go. I'm plain Jane... there's nothing spectacular about me. Plus, the tuition has put our debt through the roof."

"Haley James you listen to me and you listen good," Lydia said placing her hands on either shoulder of her daughter. "You are not a plain Jane. You're special and spectacular. You have an amazing mind and are one of the most intelligent young girls I know. And as far as our money matters go, that's my concern not yours. You're here on partial scholarship anyway so paying the tuition is not as drastic as you think. Now cheer up and change your attitude. This is going to be an experience of a lifetime and something you will never forget. A lot can happen at boarding school you know."

"Alright," Haley said, a smile creeping across her face. "I guess you're right," she continued as her mom placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You're right I am," Lydia said embracing her before finally letting go. "Now have fun, and don't forget to call when you get there."

"I won't. Bye mom," Haley replied waving before boarding the plane, unaware at how true her mom's words would be. A lot can happen at boarding school.

Haley sat in her seat, several hours after take off eyeing the Tree Hill Prep booklet her mom had made sure she took with her. It was equipped with a map and listing of all the classes making it easier for her to find her way around. As she glanced down at the cover, portraying a scene of uncannily handsome looking boys laughing on the grass as a few girls sat on a brick wall, Haley couldn't help but feel as if someone was staring at her. And then she got her answer... someone was.

"Tree Hill Prep, eh?" A dark haired girl across the aisle questioned. She had her glasses atop her head and seemed to be wearing a plain lavender button down shirt with jeans and Old Navy flip-flops.

"Uh, yes actually. Have you heard of it?" Haley questioned skeptically.

"Heard of it? I go to it. GiGi Sylvares and you are?"

"Haley. Haley James."

"Nice to meet you Haley. So, what grade are you in?"

"I'm a junior."

A Lot Can Happen At Boarding School (One Tree Hill FF)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz