Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: A Tree Hill Raven never stares, no matter how enticing a person –err, something can be.

After hailing a cab with GiGi, Haley found herself staring at the main courtyard of Tree Hill Prep. Fellow students and parents were bustling about, trying to find their rooms and other various things, so Haley and GiGi decided to join them, making their way to the check in table.

"Names?" An elderly woman asked.

"Haley James," Haley began.

"-and GiGi Sylvares," GiGi finished.

"Okay, very well. Here's your room assignments; non-changeable," she muttered before ushering them out of line.

"So, where's your room?" GiGi questioned.

"Um... Camilla Building. Room 323."

"Sweet, that's my building too. I'm Room 201 on the floor below you."

"At least we're in the same building though. Speaking of which, do you have any idea how to get there?"

"Yep, follow me," GiGi said picking up her bags as Haley did the same, following her in tow. After about a ten-minute walk, obviously slower from all their bags, the girls were met by a large stone building. It was old, yet not run-down looking; instead it looked rather prestigious. On the outside, ivy curled its way between the stones and around a white lattice that scaled up the building. Perfectly cut hedges were strategically placed in the front with small white and blue flowers scattered in front of them. Next to the front door was THP's official flag, a center line cutting it diagonally in half, one side being royal blue and the other being white, a black raven displayed in the middle. As the wind kicked up a bit, for it was the beginning of September, the flag flowed with the breeze.

"Here we are," GiGi stated. "This is the dorm I was in last year. It's pretty nice."

"Nice? This place is gorgeous," Haley breathed.

"Just wait until you see the inside," GiGi continued. As they entered the front door the girls were met by a wood interior and white carpeting; royal blue couches were placed in what seemed to be a living area with a large TV and bookshelves on both sides. A large wood staircase was placed in the middle, of which the girls began to walk up. After the first flight, GiGi noted that this was her floor and that Haley should just continue up another flight and her room would be down on the far end. Making her way up the stairs, Haley had finally made it to the third and final floor. And sure enough, like GiGi had predicted, her room was at the end.

As she made her way down the hall, Haley could hear a familiar voice in the distance. She wasn't quite sure who it was, but she knew she'd heard that distinct voice before. The voice became closer and closer as she neared her room. So close now, in fact, that she could hear the conversation.

"-and then Tacky Girl had the nerve to correct me. She spoke in syllables as if I were some airhead. And mind you it was some horrid name like Helen or Harriet or something. Let's just hope you don't ever, and I don't ever again, have to encounter her. I mean seriously, the girl would not know if a Kate Spade handbag hit her in the face."

Click. And just like that, the light bulb went on in Haley's head. Brooke Davis. Sure enough as she stood in the doorway of room 323, her room, she was staring at the figure of Brooke-freaking-Davis.

"Oh no," Haley gasped, unaware she had even spoken.

"Oh yes, here Peyton. This is the one I was talking about. What do you want Tacky Girl?" Brooke asked annoyed.

"Um, it's Haley. And this uh, this is my room."

"No it's not because it's mine."

"Well, then I guess you're my new roommate, because this is most definitely my room. Number 323 right?"

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