Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: A Tree Hill Raven always knows if the coffee is free, the two-cents will charge by the hour.

Nathan walked the final blocks into town doing his damnedest to process, but truth be told, he didn't even know where to start. He knew Haley's past had haunted her, she'd been pretty tightlipped about family and growing up, but so had he. As someone with his own dysfunctional family dynamic, it never really phased him. Was he curious? Hell yes, he wanted to know every aspect that made up Haley, but he also wanted to see her happy. And the cloud that loomed when he brought up the past was enough for him to accept the topic was off-limits. And now, he kind-of, sort-of, at least was trying to understand why.

Nathan walks up the front steps to Karen's Café and opens the door, the comfort hitting him as soon as he hears the bells on the doorknob chime. There was nothing a little time at the counters here couldn't fix. It had served him well throughout his time at Tree Hill Prep.

He walks to the counter and takes a seat, instantly greeted by a young waitress. Her eyes light up in recognition.

"Nathan Scott," she says, her excitement palpable.

"Hey," he says, quiet but polite. "Can I get two coffees? One with a dash of cinnamon, a splash of cream, and as much sugar as humanly possible. The other just black."

"Anything Mr. Scott! Anything at all," she beams, not moving.

"Just the coffee," he says with a laugh. She nods a few more times, staring at him, before awkwardly shuffling over to the coffee pots. He puts his elbows on the counter and leans his head into his palms, breathing deeply. Long freaking day.

"Well I'll be damned."

Nathan lifts his head to find his old teacher, Ms. Roe, behind the counter. Her parents owned the café, naming it in her honor.

"Ms. Roe!" Nathan says, happily surprised. "I thought your parents sold this place?"

"They did," she smiles. "To me. I left my teaching job a few years ago. And it's Mrs. Hargrove now."

"You and the dean? I hadn't heard, congratulations! He's putting on a great reunion."

"So great you're missing it, huh?" Karen responds.

"It's complicated," Nathan notes, his energy falling.

"I know that look," Karen observes, watching as Nathan rolls his eyes. The waitress approaches with his coffee and an obscenely big pastry box. Karen eye's her waitress and the box.

"Here are your coffees, Mr. Scott. And some pastries. One of everything. I don't know what you like so..."

"Oh Charity..." Karen says, holding back a giggle. Nathan looks at her, amusement in his eyes.

"Thank you, Charity."

"You know my name? Oh my god, Karen, he knows my name," she whispers.

"How could I not? You're feeding me for the next three years with this box," Nathan jokes.

"Was it too much?" Charity cringes.

"I'd say not enough," Karen jokes.

Nathan moves to pull out his wallet, but Karen stops him.

"Do not insult me Nathan. This is obviously on the house," Karen notes. "So is my two cents. Charity, I'll be back in a bit."

"Ms. Roe, you know him?" Charity says, dumbfounded.

"Much to her dismay," Nathan jokes. "I was a pain in the ass back in high school."

Nathan gets up, lifting his coffee carrier and pastry box in acknowledgement. "You're the best, Charity."

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