Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: A Tree Hill Raven always knows that when all else fails, try an intervention. And when an intervention fails, the problem's already been solved.

Haley lay in her bed staring at the ceiling above her. Brooke and Peyton were already fast asleep tucked away in their beds, light snores coming out of them, and Haley wished she could join them. But she couldn't. All she could do was lay there and think about what happened earlier today... Nathan... and his letter.

She'd managed to avoid him the rest of the day, fearing dinner but was relieved to find he hadn't joined them. However, the incessant stares from everyone else at table was anything but humbling. She could tell they knew something was up; and even more so, that they were getting sick of the constant tension and egg shells to be walked on.

Haley had to admit, she was getting sick of this too. In her mind she should just decide. Be friends with Nathan or be more. What scared her though, is the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to be more. And that was something Haley James didn't do. Let people in. Because when you let a person in, really in, they learn about you; about your background; about the past. And the past is something that Haley James was trying to run away from.

Nathan lay in his bed unable to sleep. He had yet to see Haley since her oh-so-kind letter reading today, and it was making his stomach do flip-flops. He should have taken her walking out as a definite no; or as a sign that he royally screwed up with her. However, in the pit of his stomach he felt she'd give him a chance. Maybe not right now, but she would. Or so he hoped.

After who knows how long of lying in his bed, Nathan heard a light pattern of tapping on his window.




However, it stopped shortly after. Must be a tree or something, he thought to himself. But, a minute later it happened again.




"Alright, what the hell keeps making that damn noise," Nathan grumbled, slightly wincing at the fact he could have woken up Tim Smith, his roommate but brushing it off soon after. "Better not be Rachel with a booty call because I'm not going down that road again."

Peering out the window Nathan looked down at the darkened grass, the moonlight being the only thing lighting the area. At first glance, he only saw a small figure, however, taking a closer look, he couldn't miss that auburn hair. That auburn hair that belonged to one person. That beautiful, wonderful smelling auburn hair that could only belong to Haley James.

Haley stood three floors below Nathan's dormitory room in her Happy Bunny pajama bottoms and worn sweater, cursing herself for ever thinking this was a good idea. I mean really, just because she is awake does not mean everyone else is; let alone Nathan Scott. And yet, here she was standing below him, throwing objects at his window with all her might. Granted she wasn't very strong so who knows if could even hear the light tap on his window. And who knows if he's even awake.

"Alright, that's it. Just one more try," Haley stated, throwing stuff up towards his window for a final time. She waited a few moments, and just as she was about to turn away, she saw his well-sculpted face, and seemingly uncovered abs peak through the window.

Nathan Scott was awake.

Nathan Scott had heard.

Nathan Scott was making his way outside... right now.

For some reason, this thought made her stomach tie into knots rather than the wave of relief she was expecting to feel.

Nathan walked out of his dormitory, praising the fact that the head of the dorm had not caught him. He made his way along the side of the dorm that housed his room, but after turning the corner did not see anybody. Then it dawned on him, the swing.

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