Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: A Tree Hill Raven always knows that detention is just a way for teachers to play games. The question is, will yours be a victory or a defeat?

The final bell rang, signaling the end classes for the day and the start of detention. In all her years of schooling Haley had never once gotten a detention. She was always on time, never missed an assignment, didn't act up, and yet within the first two months at Tree Hill Prep, there she was. Add onto it the fact that Nathan Scott would be joining her and you pretty much have hell in a nutshell. Can you smell the tension?

Walking up the staircase to the administrative building, Haley was met with tall arched doors clad with windows. Pushing them open, she looked at the board on the wall directly across from the doorway indicating where various offices were located. Finally on the bottom she read Central Office Detention and made her way to the right finding the door directly at the end of the hallway. In an attempt to see if Nathan had gotten there yet, Haley looked through the door's window but quickly learned it was tinted making it hard to see.

Finally pulling open the door, Haley was surprised to find only two other people occupying the room: another student and one of her teachers, Mrs. Roe. She just so happened to be the teacher who accused her and Nathan of flirting a few weeks back. Wonderful, Haley thought to herself as she shuffled into the room.

"Ah, Ms. James," Mrs. Roe stated, looking up from her papers. "So nice of you to join us."

"And I'm so glad to be here," Haley replied with fake pep.

"I'm sure you are," Mrs. Roe said giving her a knowing glance. "Now we're just waiting for a few more people and then detention will officially begin."

Just as she finished the sentence, a tall figure appeared in the doorway. Haley could feel his presence. She didn't have to look up, but she did anyway, immediately caught by his icy blue eyes, before focusing her eyes back on the floor in front of her.

"Nathan Scott, better late then never," Mrs. Roe chimed, a smirk across her face as she glanced between him and Haley.

"As always," he replied charmingly.

"Well you know the drill, take a seat, and nowhere too close to your fellow delinquents and then detention will finally begin."

"I thought you said we were waiting for a few more people?" The boy who'd been there when Haley arrived chimed in.

"When I said a few I really meant one. Now Marcus stop questioning me and from this point on, no talking. It's now 3:05. Detention will end at 5:05."

Sitting in her place, Haley debated on starting her homework but she knew she wouldn't be able to concentrate. Nathan had chosen the seat two desks behind her and she could feel his stair boring into the back of her head. So instead she chose to sit there and stare into space. And by staring off into space, she meant using all her concentration to avoid the fact that Nathan was trying to get her to look his way. Not to mention the random glances she could feel from Mrs. Roe every time something squeaked or a noise was made.

The silence was finally broken about a half hour into detention. Good ol' Marcus decided to drop his pencil onto the ground. That's what started it all... Haley's hell. Going to his pen, Marcus leaned down causing his desk to creek and as soon as his pen reached his hands he fumbled with it causing it to fall to the floor yet again.

"Do we have a problem over there Marcus?" Mrs. Roe questioned skeptically.

"No, no."

"I see. Well, you're constant need to make noise is distracting me. I'm sure it's distracting your two classmates as well."

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