Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: A Tree Hill Raven always knows if the best is yet to come, the worst has already begun.

After brunch, the schedule broke out into extra-curricular reunions across campus for the afternoon, giving Haley time to process everything that's happened. She heads to the Tutoring Center, a permanent grin on her lips as she thinks of this morning. Nathan met her halfway, and more, and was ready to try again. That's all she'd wanted the last ten years – to be his and bask in the glow that his love brought. The way her confidence, and trust, and perspective, blossomed around him is earth-shattering. The notion felt dramatic, earth-shattering? Really? But there is no other words for how he made her feel.

With Nathan, she was whole, but the kind of whole that builds on who you are, rather than replaces it. It made her brave knowing he wanted to know every thought, every idea, every memory she was wiling to share – that her voice was important. Her entire life, someone had spoken on her behalf. To find someone who doesn't advocate for you, but instead gives you the encouragement to advocate for yourself... to say what you want, how you feel –it's priceless. Nathan Scott was priceless. He may have had a net worth of over $45 million, but that didn't matter to her.

And then Haley's thoughts turn to where they usually go when Nathan crosses her mind, her mother. It burned her from the inside out every time she was reminded of what Lydia talked her into – putting money above her partnership; an ultimatum of family or friends, loved ones or lovers. In the span of one decision, Haley both protected her family and lost all the support systems she had. Nothing could ever be the same. Nothing could ever be as good. Until now.

"Haley James, as I live and breathe," Whitey drawls, pulling Haley from her thoughts. She looks up to find him stopped in his tracks on the concrete path.

"Coach. Oh my gosh!" Haley beams, closing the gap between them, squeezing his ageless figure. "You know you look the same as you did ten years ago."

"Not sure that's a good thing," Whitey chuckles. "Where you headed?"

"Tutoring Center," Haley nods.

"Ah, should have known you were a good apple," Whitey observes.

"I don't know about that. Just like helping people," Haley says shyly.

"I know," Whitey replies, they lock eyes, an understanding between them. "Speaking of. And I hope this isn't too forward, but what am I about to walk into with my players?"

"What do you mean?" Haley says, nervous.

"Darlin', I keep in touch with Nathan. And as delightful as it is to see you, I'm concerned about where he may be at," Whitey says, cutting to the chase. "You blew that boy's heart to smithereens."

Haley nods, taking it in. Her cheeks heat in shame. "If it's any consolation, I blew my own heart to smithereens."

"It is," Whitey says with a small smile.

"You have nothing to worry about Coach Durham," Haley says, turning slightly to walk away. "It was good to see you."

Haley leaves Whitey, veering off towards the cluster of buildings up ahead. Her heart races in guilt. She'd prepared herself for backlash from Nathan, her friends, even her classmates, but what she hadn't anticipated was facing her mentors. People she loved, people who loved both she and Nathan, and people who knew that she'd left him without a trace. The disappointment courses through her and starts to taint the elation from this morning.

Haley pulls open the heavy oak doors and enters the equally oaky hallways of the Administration Building. Arched ceilings with skylights loom overhead as cases and cases of awards shimmer in the patches of sunlight on either side of the hallway. Haley's breath catches at the sight of it, just how she left it ten years ago. Surreal.

A Lot Can Happen At Boarding School (One Tree Hill FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora