Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: A Tree Hill Raven always holds his or her ground... unless someone accidentally pulls it out from under them.

Haley sat on her bed, glancing over at the Happy Bunny calendar she had placed on her wall; the little bunny obnoxiously staring back at her with the words "I'm not spoiled, I deserve everything I have," written below it as the slogan for October. Yeah, that's probably why I have nothing compared to these kids, Haley thought to herself.

It had been five weeks and four days since she'd arrived in this quaint private school full of privileged teens, spawned from critical parents. So far, although she knew she was different, not part of the "rich-kid" crowd, Haley hadn't let that stop her. In fact, she'd enjoyed everyday here thus far. She'd gained some close friends, continued her outstanding grades that had preceded her here, and even managed to find a boy... although she didn't know it yet.

Nathan Scott, what a complex character. He and Haley had been playing this little game for weeks now. Fight, giggle, joke, scrutinize, and ultimately flirt, yet don't acknowledge any of it. They could feel the connection between themselves, hell everyone did, yet neither of them had acted on it. Nathan just kept his feelings to himself, and Haley profusely denied any accusations. However, much to their dismay, their feelings would come out sooner or later, it was only a matter of time.

As Haley lay on her bed, just thinking about her time at Tree Hill Prep so far and smiling to herself, she heard a faint knock on the door. "Come in," she yelled, turning to sit cross-legged on her flowered comforter.

"Hey," a voice said, popping their head in the door.

"GiGi! What's up?" Haley instantly questioned, giving her friend a smile.

"Eh, not much actually. Just bored and don't feel like dealing with the roommate," she replied, giggling to herself.

"Well, Brooke and Peyton took the monthly bus trip into town to go shopping so my room will be free for a while. You're welcome to stay."

"Sweet deal," GiGi said, plopping herself on a bed, pulling a book out from behind her.

"I see you came prepared," Haley noted, pointing at the book in her hand.

"I had a hunch they were gone, so I brought over a book on the off chance you'd let me stay in here with you for a bit."

"Please G, you don't even have to ask. Come on over anytime. Especially when Rachel's around. That girl is trouble."

"Tell me about it," GiGi said, rolling her eyes. This one phrase though, made Haley's brain spark into action. As her wheels of knowledge began to turn, she couldn't help the curiosity that was sparked... she had to ask.

"Uh, GiGi?"


"Do you think you could uh, tell me about it?"

"About what."

"Well, why is Rachel the way she is? Has she always been like this or, I don't know..."

"Do you mean has she always been so delightful or has she always been trailing Nathan?" GiGi questioned, giving Haley a critical eye.

"Well... both I guess," Haley said blushing. "I mean, it could help explain why she's so cold to me."

"Alright, then I guess I'll try and explain this. Rachel came to our school starting her freshman year, as did most of us. She was much different then though. When I first met her, she was a bit timid, but you could tell she was growing out of it, a bit of a follower, and her clothes were well, tacky," GiGi stated, noticing Haley scrunch her legs up to her chest at the word tacky. It seemed as though that's how many described her sense of style.

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