Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: A Tree Hill Raven knows that often times friends already know what you think they cannot.

After being ruthlessly pulled out of the cafeteria by a very excited blonde and brunette, without a proper goodbye to Nathan, Haley noted, they now found themselves piled on top of each other on Haley's little single sized bed (although proven to fit two comfortably...). As soon as they left the cafeteria, it had been a non-stop gabfest. Mostly Peyton and Brooke, considering Haley had no time to answer between their never ending rapid fire of questions.

"Who made the first move?"

"How long has this been going on?"

"Have you kissed?"

"How long have you liked him?"

"Where did it happen?"

"When did it happen?"

"He didn't force you into this, right?"

"Whatever happened to 'Nathan is an ass'?"

After finally answering all their questions, a blush spread across her face, Haley curled her knees up to her chin and wrapped her arms around herself. She'd never felt like this before. Because the truth of the matter was, she'd never had a boyfriend before. Too much complications back home. And well, she'd never really kissed a boy before either. Unless, of course, you count John Miller in 6th grade who she was paired up with in a game of spin the bottle. Let's just say that it ended with slobber all over Haley's face and John nursing a kick in the balls... that's a kiss Haley chooses not to count.

Everything about her kisses with Nathan, which of course had been many in the wee hours of that morning, was perfect. His soft, expert, loving lips; the way he let out little tiny, almost mute moans when she caressed his hair; and the way she kind of just molded into his arms... perfect.

"Haley James and Nathan Scott..." Peyton began, a smile spreading across her face as she looked at the way Haley's eyes lit up at the mere statement of his name.

"Thank God that finally happened," Brooke retorted jokingly, causing the two girls to giggle.

"What do you mean finally happened? You expected this?" Haley questioned, a confused look across her face. "I mean, until this morning you though we hated each other."

"Haley, we knew from the moment you came in that first day here after speaking to him that it was going to happen. You were ga-ga over him."

"I was not ga-ga," Haley refused, looking in the other direction.

"Oh yes you were," Brooke stated. "The quick stares, insulting flirtations, you guys had the most sexual tension I've ever seen! Except for maybe me and Lucas but that's another story."

"Brooke! I do not have sexual tension with Nathan!"

"Not anymore..." Brooke replied.

"Haley, love and hate are a fine line to walk. We could easily see you were playing the hard to get card. And Brooke's right. The tension was killing me. I seriously wanted to just push you two into a closet together and let you go at it!" Peyton exclaimed, a burst of laughter jumping from she and the brunette beside her as Haley dropped her mouth in shock.

"You guys are incredible," Haley stated, pulling the collar of her shirt a bit closer after feeling a bit violated. "Think what you want. I mean, yeah sure we had our flirtings, and I have liked him for a while, but I didn't really think there was this undeniable..."

"Don't be afraid to say it Haley... sexual tension," Brooke completed for her. "But that's all gone now since your little love fest this morning."

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