Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: A Tree Hill Raven always knows that secrets are best told while tipsy!

Taking a seat on the swing, the swing that has come to feel like home, Haley examined the envelope resting in her hands. Without a doubt she knew it was from Nathan. No one has as horrible a handwriting as him. But the question is why... Why would he take the time to write her a letter? What more did he have to say to her? Obviously it was something he wanted her to see, otherwise he wouldn't have placed it on the swing. He's the only one who knows Haley can't go a day or two without sitting there. The question however is... should she open it?

Toying with the back of it, she wills herself to start ripping it open. But as soon as she starts, she stops. As much as she wants to know what he wants to say, it'd probably do more bad than good. Well, bad is a relative term. It's really only bad for Haley. She could just imagine the words written on the inside that will probably cause her stomach to flip-flop and make her weak in the knees. Much to her dismay, Nathan just had that affect on her as much as she tried to avoid it. But that's the thing, Haley was trying to avoid it. She didn't need to let someone like Nathan into her life. Someone she could see herself leaning on, and someone she knew she was attracted to. Yes, that's right. Haley James is attracted to Nathan Scott. She'd never say it aloud though. Because once you say it aloud then it's real. And this feeling in the pit of her stomach, the ache in her heart, it couldn't be real. It can't..

So, instead of reading the letter, she folded it in half and shoved it in her back pocket. For once in her life, or at least right now, she would not let her curiosity get the best of her. Because if it did, she was scared of what the letter would say, and she had a sinking feeling that it would be exactly what she wanted to hear.


After a failed attempt at getting Haley's attention the night before (instead seeing Rachel's unwanted face in the window), Nathan went to bed and got ready for his early flight. His dad had chartered a private plane for him to fly back home on, even though it was only a three-hour drive, and then a chauffer to take him back to the house. Oh the benefits of being a Senator's son, right? Wrong.

Nathan was dreading going back home. It's not so much that he doesn't get along with his parents; it's more that they put too much pressure on him. But, heaven forbid the child of a politician makes a mistake, that'd be the worst thing in the world. Forget global warming, forget the millions in poverty, forget starvation... keeping the Scott legacy going is the top priority. The only upside is that Lucas arrived home the day before so his parents are probably a lot less antsy then when they were first expecting their boys home.

Opening the front door, he walked through the foyer, immediately greeted by his mother.

"Nathan, sweety! You're finally home," Deb cooed, enveloping her son in a hug.

"Hi Mom," Nathan stated eager to get up to his room. "Is uh, Lucas around?"

"No, he and your father went out to the gym."

"Of course," Nathan retorted, making his way up grand staircase.

"What is that supposed to mean, sweety?"

"It means of course they're at the gym the day before Thanksgiving. This isn't about the holiday, it's about Dad being about to train us into his basketball pedigrees."

"Nathan!" Deb calls from the bottom of the steps. "You know that's not true!"

Hearing this, Nathan turns from his place at the top of the stairs and faces her. "Don't you dare stand up for him Mom. You and I both know that all he cares about is making himself look good. It's been like that all our lives. Please don't try to tell me otherwise."

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