Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: A Tree Hill Raven always learns the harder you try to fight something, say fate, the harder you get kicked in the ass.

Haley sat in her last period classroom, waiting for the bell to ring and excited to start the last class of her first day of school. As her foot tapped on the floor in anticipation the familiar hum of the bell began and just as it ended a familiar figure ran into the room.

"Oh god," Haley said rolling her eyes, watching as the figure approached her.

"Haley James we meet again," Nathan stated, a smirk plastered across his devilishly handsome face as he took the only available seat left in the class, which much to Haley's dismay, was right behind her.

"We meet again Nathan or you're stalking me again."

"Or maybe you're stalking me. I mean, I know you wanted to have a great school year here, but really, making your schedule so you have four out of your six classes with the hottest guy in school? That's a bit excessive."

"Puh-lease. Don't flatter yourself. Actually, keep daydreaming about that, because in your dreams is the only place it'll be true," Haley stated, turning to face the front, a proud smile across her face.

"Mr. Scott and Ms... uh, James. Are you ready to allow us to start class?"

"Yes," they replied in unison.

"Sorry," Haley added in.

"Alright. Good. By the way, both of you should see me after class. Now, let's begin. Welcome to Junior Year health class..." the teacher began to drone on as Haley sat in her seat, her face blushed while Nathan nodded off behind her. Before both of them knew it, class was over and the teacher called them up front as the other students left the room.

"Ah, Mr. Scott and Ms. James. Now, I know it's the first day of school and you're excited but please, don't interrupt my class. Keep your flirting for the halls or after school or basically anywhere but my class."

"Look-" Haley began to say before she was cut off.

"Ms. James, I know what it is like to be a teenager. I remember quite vividly chasing after boys, but let's keep that for time outside of my classroom. Now go on, you're dismissed."

Haley's face turned beat red as she was ushered out the classroom, Nathan in tow trying not to laugh. "Don't even say it," she snapped, giving him a look.

"Say what? Say that I didn't know you were chasing me. Geez Haley if you wanted me that bad, you wouldn't have to chase. Just say the words and I'll stand perfectly still so you can catch up to me."

"Oh ha ha. Funny. I'm not a boy-chaser like Ms. Roe seems to think. And I am most definitely not chasing after you," Haley stated as they continued to walk out of the building. "And did you here that little jab about 'flirting.' Please. Me and you were not flirting. Just some playful joking, that's what we do."

"Right..." Nathan said, sarcastically.

"What? You honestly think I was flirting with you? God no. Never. No way. And you flirting with me? That's impossible. Hilarious even. Brooke and Peyton are going to get a laugh out of this," Haley continued to ramble, her voice now flustered.


"I've got to go Nathan. Try not to flirt with me okay?" She joked before going off to her dorm.

"I don't think I'll be able to do that," Nathan whispered to himself, watching her petite figure walk away.

Haley was laying on her bed her feet swinging in the air behind her as she looked intently onto her English assignment. It was five o'clock and Brooke and Peyton had yet to reach the dorm.

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