Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: A Tree Hill Raven always knows long days lead to long nights. And long nights lead to long talks. And long talks, well, they can lead anywhere.

The group stands in a line on the main path through campus. It's still, and tranquil, and dimly lit save for the few lampposts lighting the way. It's the type of calm only 3 AM can bring, preparing for the type of storm only 3 AM can bring.

Peyton, Brooke, and Haley are perched piggyback style on Jake, Lucas, and Nathan. The men hunch over, ready to race. The path before them is a straight shot to the alumni dorm.

"On your mark," Peyton starts. "Get –"

"I just want to point out what a bad idea this is," Haley chirps, cutting Peyton off.

"Nathan's insured, it's fine," Lucas jokes.

"Gee, thanks Luke," Nathan groans.

"I mean you remember when Brooke and I did this..." Haley continues.

"And broke your ass?" Nathan laughs. Haley slaps him playfully on the back.

"Tailbone thank you... and yes!" Haley whines.

"Our boys are big and strong Hales, they wouldn't drop us. Right Luke?" Brooke coos in his ear.

"I certainly won't drop you Pretty Girl," Lucas replies.

"OK, enough talkie, more walkie. Mama needs to go to bed," Peyton groans.

"You do need your beauty rest," Jake jokes. Peyton tugs hard on his ear.

"Count us down Sawyer," Nathan prompts.

"On your mark... get set... go!" Peyton hollers, her voice catching as Jake races forward against Lucas and Nathan. The men weave neck and neck through campus as the girls squeal in delight, holding on for dear life as competition ignites between them.

As they approach the residence hall, Nathan breaks out into a full speed sprint, pulling ahead of Lucas and Jake. When they reach the stairs of the residence hall, Haley cheers, throwing a hand in the air.

"Scott's still got it," Haley jokes, rubbing his chest with her other hand. Nathan laughs, continuing to make his way up the stairs towards the building's entrance.

"Big surprise the athlete wins," Jake jokes from behind, before noticing Nathan isn't stopping. "Hey, where ya going?"

"See you in the morning!" Nathan calls, before throwing the front door open.

"Some things never change," Brooke sighs in the distance as the door closes behind him.

Nathan smirks to himself, making his way up the first flight of stairs. He stops.

"Where to miss?" He jokes.

"Third floor," Haley replies, her pulse manic. She rests her head atop his as he walks them up to the third floor, letting her down gently onto the carpeted landing.

"Thank you sir," Haley notes, nervous, as she walks down the hallway to her room. Nathan follows, stopping as she reached a door halfway down the hall.

Haley squeezes her purse, her fingers tapping slightly along the strap. Nathan watches in amusement as she considers what comes next.

"So um, this is me," Haley observes, finally looking Nathan in the eye.

"You don't say," Nathan smiles.

"Oh shut up," Haley says, swatting him with her bag.

"You know, I don't have to come in," Nathan says. "We could end the night here."

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