💥 Chapter 5💥

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Dwarf's Mine: mine entarence

The whole plan was quite simple: Grim and Ace distract the monster and lead it away from the mine while Deuce mines the stone. Nothing complicated, but knowing these idiots and what they are capable of, you decided to patrol not far away in case everything went wrong.

And then you heard the roar of the monster.
"We got him a good distance from the mine!" - Grim announced.
"Got that! One extra-large gust of wind coming up!" - Ace exclaimed and using his pen he directed a strong gust of wind at the monster.

"With a side of Grim's blazin' - hot fire! MYAAAH!" - Grim shouted.
"Grrraaahhh?!" - a firestorm headed towards the monster. And while he was writhing in pain, you were able to get a better look at him.
He was quite large and instead of a head he had a glass jar of ink, he was wearing an old worn burgundy jacket and a brown hat.

'It's not scary at all...'
While Grim and Ace distracted it, Deuce had already made his way into the mine and extracted the magistone.
"I have it!" - he shouted and this was a sign for them to retreat.

"Dooon't tooouch thaaaaat!" - The monster began to move towards them.
"Do something!" - Ace shout.
"Get'em cauldron!" - Deuce waved his hand and a huge cauldron fell on the monster.

"Gwaaah?!" - monster.
"Nailed it! The plan's work'n! That monster got smashed by a falling cauldron, just like Ace did!" - Grim jumped happily.
"Coulda done without the reminder, thanks! This has been one drag after another." - Ace.

"Quick! while it's distracted, we need to get out!"
"Nooooooo!" - the monster began to crawl out of the trap.
You stood up, ready to intervene.
'Run you idiots!'

"Uh-oh! Looks like it's nearly wriggled free!" - Ace exclaimed and they all watched in panic as the monster crawled out from under the cauldron.
"Hey, Deuce! You gotta add more weight!" -Grim
"Y-you mean something heavier? Uh, I summon thee, cauldron! Ah also, uh...um...another cauldron! And a cauldron on top of that! All the cauldrons!" - Deuce

You watched from behind the bushes as more and more cauldrons fell on the monster.
'Is that all you can do?'

"Nnngaaaah!" - the monster yelled.
"Is that the only thing you know how to summon?!" - Ace.
"Pipe down already! I'm worked up enough as it is!" - Deuce. Until they began to argue again, Grim spat a large ball of fire at the monster.

"We got the magestone! Now let's get outta here!" - Grim.
"Roger that!" - Ace.
And they finally ran out of the mine.

"MYYY STOOOOOOONE!" - it screamed again.

Dwarf's Mine - Silent Woods

They ran away from the monster and you followed them further through the trees.
"Are you kiddin' me?! It's still coming! It pushed off all that weight!" - Ace.
"Ooooooooogh...! Giiive it baaaaack...!" - it chased them quite quickly.

"It's too fast! It's about to catch us!" - it was right behind them and before it reached them an explosion was heard.
You jumped out through the trees and flew straight towards the monster with your arm outstretched.
"DIEEEEE!" - you created a huge explosion right in this head.

"GAAAAARHH!" - the explosion was powerful enough that his head exploded. Pieces of glass flew apart and the headless body turned into a puddle of ink.
You landed safely on the ground nearby and cast a stern last glance at the place where the monster was.

The idiot trio looked at you in shock. Their combined efforts were not enough to hold it in place, but you smashed its head with one attack!
How powerful are your explosions?!

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