On the threshold of creation.

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Hello, deities of words!

Before we embark on this cosmic odyssey, allow me a brief pause at the threshold of creation. You are about to enter "The Primordial", a universe where myths and realities intertwine, and where gods and destinies are forged in the furnaces of time and space.

I invite you, explorers of the stars and dreamers of worlds, to become an essential part of this work. Along this path, your actions - voting, sharing, and commenting - are not mere gestures; they are echoes that resonate through the cosmos of this book, helping to shape and expand the reach of this universe we create together.

Each vote is a sign of support, a help to the deity of gratitude illuminating the skies of my motivation. Each share is a portal to new worlds, inviting others to join us on this mythic journey. And each comment is a shooting star of inspiration, leaving a trail of ideas that enrich our narrative.

So, as we prepare to dive into the abyss of creation and witness the birth of a universe, I ask you to become an active part of this epic. Vote, share, and comment. Each small gesture of yours has great significance to me.

At the end of each chapter, I will put a footnote with the description of exclusive things from the story and an image with the physiognomy of the characters.

Note 1: To ensure a more immersive and accessible reading experience, some book chapters, which originally exceed 8,000 words, will be divided into parts. This approach aims to offer a more digestible narrative, allowing readers to fully absorb each aspect of the story without feeling overwhelmed. This careful division of longer chapters will not only facilitate reading but also enrich the rhythm and flow of the narrative, ensuring that each segment receives the attention it deserves.

Note 2: The 'Primordial Era' chapter serves as the Genesis of 'Marum', offering a vital introduction to the fantastic world readers are about to explore. This chapter stands out from the subsequent ones, as, instead of following the perspective of a specific character, it establishes the essential foundations and context for the full understanding of the narrative that will unfold in the book.

Now, without further ado, let's open the first page and start our journey. Welcome to "The Chronicles of Marum - The Primordial".

The Chronicles of Marum - The PrimordialWhere stories live. Discover now