Dugeon of Uncertainties (Void) - Part II

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Sunlight, filtered and weak, penetrates the darkness of the dungeon, illuminating Gaidoras's cell, a welcome contrast to the oppressive shadows of the other cells. I approach, my steps echoing on the cold stone, as I observe Gaidoras.

He stands out in his cell, an imposing figure despite his conditions. His height is notable, with broad shoulders and defined muscles, even weakened by the long imprisonment. His dark skin slightly glows under the filtered light, contrasting with the dirty white rag he wears. His angular face is marked by strong features: prominent cheekbones, robust jaw, a small and symmetrical nose, and short, arched lips. His brown hair, braided into thick cords, forms a unique style, projecting up and back, ending in tips resembling tubes.

- "What do you want?" Gaidoras asks, his voice hoarse. His head is lowered, hands bound by chains of zerum stretched above his head.

Of all the prisoners, Gaidoras is the most withdrawn, a reflection of his history as told by Ézus. He was imprisoned after a failed attempt to free the monsters of Salacrum, an act of rebellion that now keeps him chained.

My gaze fixes on him, trying to discern the shadows of emotions under his downcast expression as I prepare to approach him. - "I won't waste time!" I ponder, determined to get straight to the point: - "Who is Jonglam?"

Hearing the name, Gaidoras's elongated brown eyes open wider, an interest breaking through his tired façade. His thick, well-shaped eyebrows incline, adding intensity to his gaze.

- "That is a name with much history, although rarely mentioned," he replies, slowly raising his head, his movements denoting the weight of accumulated fatigue. His voice in a tone of muffled curiosity: - "Where did you hear about him?"

- "It doesn't matter," I cut him off quickly. - "I just need to know where I can find him."

Gaidoras pauses for a moment. - "A simple request," he agrees, finally. His response is direct, without hesitation: - "Go to the last cell of the prison, next to Forlêck's. There you will find what you seek." With these words, he lowers his head again, resuming his posture of resignation, as if the brief moment of interest was just a fleeting glimmer in his long journey of confinement.

- "So, Jonglam is here in the dungeons..." I murmur, more to myself, my mind processing the information.

Gaidoras, noticing my introspection, raises his head, letting a glimpse of curiosity escape in his tired eyes. - "Why are you interested in Jonglam?" he asks, his voice low but clearly interested.
I hesitate, maintaining a thoughtful silence. I realize that every word of mine might reveal more than I wish.

Gaidoras insists, driven by a curiosity that seems to break the barrier of his apathy. - "Jonglam has always been an enigma to the gods," Gaidoras comments, a touch of nostalgia in his voice. - "But he knew things, things that no one else knew."

This revelation intrigues me. - "Things like what?" I ask, taking a step closer to the cell.

Gaidoras sighs, his chains tinkling softly. - "Untold stories of the Primordial, secrets buried in the foundations of Malbork... rumors and theories, but which never reached my ears."

My curiosity deepens. - "So, he might know the truth about Kinkara?"

Gaidoras slowly shakes his head. - "Perhaps. Jonglam knows many things. If there's anyone who knows the true stories behind these walls, it's him. But don't expect answers to your questions. Jonglam is a god... unyielding."

I thank Gaidoras with a nod. - "Thank you. Your information was more useful than you imagine."

He responds with a mere shrug, his indifference barely disguising the spark of interest that ignited in his eyes. - "Good luck, Void. You'll need it."

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