Primordial Era - Part II

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Years had passed since the Universe and its children acquired physical forms, exploring the wonders of their physical existence. During this time, the Primordial, now affectionately called Máterum by his children, developed a deeper and more meaningful connection with them. On an apparently ordinary day, a new and intriguing sensation permeated Máterum's perception. It was a mysterious presence, subtly hidden, but undeniably present on his planet.

These unknown presences emitted an energy reminiscent of the gods, but of a noticeably weaker nature. Curious and cautious, Máterum summoned his children, sharing his perception. Together, they embarked on a quest, guided by their father, to unravel the mystery of these presences.

The journey led them to the heart of the immense Hungu fog, a mass of dense and enigmatic clouds covering vast stretches of the Primárium desert.

As they advanced, a sense of apprehension grew among them. Máterum, with his firm steps, led the way, his imposing presence cutting through the poisonous fog and keeping it away from his offspring.

Finally, they found two entities. Lost in the fog, hidden, trembling subtly, an aura of fear emanating from them upon realizing the dominating presence of Máterum.

Máterum observed them with a penetrating gaze, trying to discern their nature and origin. The gods, in turn, exchanged glances among themselves, surprised and intrigued by the discovery. They felt a tenuous connection with these beings, a distant familiarity that raised more questions than answers.

In the midst of the dense and enigmatic fog, Máterum raised his voice, deep and resonant, cutting through the mist like a breath of authority. — "Who art thou?"¹ — His inquiry echoed. His eyes, penetrating and accustomed to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos, were fixed on the two silhouettes that slowly emerged from the veil of fog.

As the figures became visible, a wave of amazement spread among Máterum and his children. These beings, though undeniably different, shared a disturbing resemblance to the gods. They were smaller, with more delicate features and graceful bodies, adorned with small pairs of breasts, a fascinating variation of the divine form.

The first figure, emerging with a confident posture, introduced herself with a clear and firm voice. — "My name is Réslar." — Her voice sounded like a soft melody, but carried an underlying strength, revealing an assertive personality.

The second figure, accompanying Réslar, presented a more reserved aura. — "And mine is Lésnar," she said, her voice softer and timid, almost like a whisper barely standing out against the murmur of the fog.

The gods watched, fascinated, as the two figures fully materialized before them. Máterum remained still, his expression wrapped in reflection. He analyzed Lésnar and Réslar, trying to understand the nature of their existence and what their appearance meant for the world he had created.

Both goddesses with identical features: an enigmatic beauty, one that brought both mystery and fascination. Their faces were a delicate balance of strong and subtle features: a slightly prominent jawline defined the contour of their face, while high cheekbones gently protruded under alabaster, almost porcelain skin, dotted by a sprinkling of caramel-colored freckles that crossed their cheeks and the tops of their noses.

Their eyes captured light like two wells of obsidian, large and penetrating, surrounded by lashes that seemed handcrafted by the Primordial, so perfect they were. Their eyebrows were sharply defined. Their red hair, straight and smooth, slid over their shoulders with the fluidity of a red-golden veil.

Their lips, softly full and of a light pink hue, their narrow noses and sharp chins seemed almost artificial in their perfection, capturing the essence of symmetry.

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