Hypernova - Part I

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ACT I (Réslar)

Lésnar, with a worried expression, ties her long red hair to prevent it from falling over her face and obstructing her vision. She quickly checks the small bags at her waist, ensuring her weapons are ready for immediate use. "Be careful, Réslar, they might see you," her voice is an urgent whisper.

Ignoring the warning, I focus my attention on the distant conversation. My heart beats fast, adrenaline sharpening my senses. Hidden among the sandstones of Primárium, I listen cautiously to the scene unfolding ahead.

"Shush!" I reprimand Lésnar in a whisper, undiverted from the target. "I'm trying to hear what they are saying."

I struggle to understand Máterum's dragged words, which the wind stubbornly carries away. His instructions sound like an enigma, almost inaudible. "Go to Arcríris... get as many... children..." Máterum's voice floats to me, fragmented and uncertain.

"Yes, Máterum!" responds an unknown, firm, and obedient voice.

The next order from Máterum reaches me, clearer, though still shrouded in mystery. "Do not let this sword fall into anyone's hands, it holds great value to me. Please, protect it!" His voice in a tone of seriousness leaves no room for doubt about the importance of that sword.

The wind whistles around me, a relentless symphony that carries Máterum's words away. My heart races in rhythm. Curiosity pulses strongly, intertwined with growing fear. Despite this, the need to understand Máterum's plans becomes more urgent with each passing moment. I know I need to get closer, even if it means facing danger.

My body moves almost by instinct, silently navigating among the sandstones of Primárium. Each step is calculated, avoiding any noise that might betray my presence. The sand beneath my feet seems to conspire in my favor, cushioning my movements.

"What are you planning?" Lésnar's voice emerges low and tense, breaking the momentary silence.

"I'm getting closer!" I respond, my voice as soft as a whisper, barely daring to breathe loudly. "From here I can only hear them."

I sense hesitation in Lésnar. Her body tenses, a clear display of concern. "It's too risky!" she warns, but there's an acceptance in her eyes, knowing she can't stop me.

Carefully, I climb the large sandstone, moving precisely to avoid attracting attention. Reaching the top, I lie down on my stomach, cautiously observing the scene below.

The sight that unfolds before me makes my heart skip a beat. Two strange creatures stand near Máterum. They are imposing figures, their appearance both familiar and utterly unique.

"What are those creatures?" I question myself, my voice fading in my throat. My eyes widen as I try to absorb every detail of their exotic forms.

Resembling gods in their physiognomy, the creatures exhibit striking skin. The first, shorter in stature, has dark green skin and a compact body with rigid trapezius muscles. The second, with feminine features, though almost imperceptible, has a more robust body than the green one, with pure white skin. She is tall compared to me, with excessively defined thighs and back, and a prominent but still defined belly.

Both creatures show relevant similarities, like their various scars, mostly long and thick; lack of hair on the body and head; and whitish eyes. From where I am, I can see the tension in the creatures, as if they are ready for any eventuality.

The wind blows again, bringing fragments of Máterum's conversation. My mind works frantically to piece things together, while I stay hidden, observing everything.

"As soon as Moam returns from Arcríris, the gods I choose will attack Zaranler with me!" Máterum proclaims authoritatively, his voice resonating with a command timbre that echoes to my hidden position. He addresses an unknown goddess and the two creatures at his side. "The moment the renegade gods are distracted, I will use my latest creation to neutralize them one by one."

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