Shadows under Malbork (Void) - Part III

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Lost in my memories, I barely notice Muntera's approach until her voice emerges urgently, pulling me back to reality. - "Void! Void!" - she exclaims, her voice tinged with concern. Her surprise in her voice awakens me, bringing me back to the present moment.

- "Hm..." - is all I can articulate, still disoriented by the abrupt interruption of my thoughts.

Muntera, noticing my discomfort, extends her calloused hand and gently places it on mine, an attempt to reassure me. - "Don't be frightened," - she advises, her soft voice contrasting with her warrior's rough hands. - "Kinkara cannot harm you, not with so many chains holding him." - Her gaze is firm, conveying security and understanding.

At this moment, Toihid intervenes with a mocking comment. - "Unless you get close to him," - she whispers, letting out a muffled laugh that sounds more like a challenge than a joke. Toihid's laughter, though light, carries a tone of provocation, a joke that hides a darker truth.

Máterum's reprimand comes immediately, his voice stern, cutting through the hall's atmosphere. - "Toihid!" - he calls, his authority unquestionable.

Toihid, surprised by Máterum's reaction, hastily apologizes. - "Sorry, Father," - she says quickly, covering her mouth with her plump fingers in a gesture of regret. She bows her head in a sign of respect, and her eyes, previously bright with mischief, now reflect a mysterious fear.

- "Dynes and Térax!" - Máterum calls authoritatively.

The two turn almost simultaneously, their faces marked by expectation and readiness. - "Yes?" - they respond in unison, the synchrony of their voices reflecting a shared willingness to follow the Primordial's orders.

With a firm gesture, Máterum assigns them a mission: - "The two of you will go to Arcríris to locate and bring Ózis to Primárium." - Máterum's words, though brief, leave no room for doubt.

Térax's question then arises, born out of an unsuccessful attempt at lightness. - "And if, when we find him, he does not cooperate? Can we... kill him?" - His smile, meant to be playful but failing to elicit laughter from anyone, quickly fades upon noticing the abrupt change in Máterum's expression. The air becomes tense, Térax's words hanging in the air like an unwelcome provocation.

The atmosphere in the hall changes drastically with Máterum's silent reaction. Everyone feels an invisible pressure, a force pushing them against their chairs, so immense it feels as if our bodies might implode at any moment from the pressure. Máterum's presence becomes almost tangible, a silent display of power that intimidates and subdues.

Térax, now visibly shaken, his hands trembling slightly, mutters an apology. - "Sorry..." - He lowers his gaze, unable to meet Máterum, feeling himself shrink under the weight of his own imprudent question.

- "Silence," - orders Máterum, without anger or elevation in his voice. - "Go to Arcríris, and return here only when accompanied by Ózis!"

Dynes and Térax rise quickly. They leave the great hall with hurried steps, where the heavy pressure remains.

In the ensuing silence, I observe Máterum. Despite the short time I've known him, the complexity of his feelings is palpable. The war against the renegade gods weighs on his heart, not just as a conflict, but as a personal tragedy. There is pain in his eyes, a sorrow that goes beyond the battle, invading the depths of his soul; a pain for lost love, for the children he now faces as enemies. Children he never stopped loving.

Everyone remains quiet, hiding astonishment in their submissive expressions, frightened without even Máterum having raised his voice. Never feeling so close to death as on this day.

The Chronicles of Marum - The PrimordialOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora