Hypernova - Part II

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ACT II (Réslar)

Máterum, the being I once knew as father, now reveals himself before me, transformed by the weight of decades. His once brownish beard is now a greyish mosaic, silver strands mingling with the few remnants of its original color. These silver locks not only adorn his face but also flow through his hair, reminiscent of the unexplored snow of the highest peaks, a pure and immaculate whiteness. His stature seems to have grown, a reflection of his even more dominant presence.

Máterum dresses simply, in a beige tunic that floats around him, not needing ornaments to assert his grandeur. His posture is that of a monarch without a crown, whose true royalty resides in his presence, not in material symbols. Máterum is the incarnation of everything; powerful, indomitable, and eternally enigmatic.

"How did you find us?" I ask, my voice trembling, betrayed by growing fear. I step back, stumbling over the uneven stones, as I try to maintain distance from Máterum. Uncertainty envelops me like a dense fog, and my mind spins with questions about how he could have discovered our hideout.

Máterum, imposing and calm, descends the sandy rock slowly, each step measured. He ignores my question, his expression inscrutable as if beyond mere earthly concerns, as he approaches me.

"Where is your sister?" He asks, his voice as calm as a gentle breeze, but with an authority that does not admit disobedience.

I stare at him, a whirlwind of emotions stirring inside me. Fear for Lésnar, concern for her safety, frustration at not having a satisfactory answer for him. I feel like a cornered prey, each option fading before Máterum's penetrating gaze.

His words, though soft, resonate with a weight that holds me in place. I feel an impulse to protect my sister, to divert Máterum's attention from her, but at the same time, I am consumed by uncertainty and fear of what he might do. My breathing becomes irregular, and a knot forms in my throat.

Máterum waits patiently for the answer he knows will come. His gaze does not stray from mine, and each second under his scrutiny feels like an eternity.

Under Máterum's gaze, filled with imposing seriousness, I glimpse something deeper, something he tries to hide. His grey eyes, witnesses to countless ages, shine with reflections of ancient memories. A subtle melancholy stands out in his gaze, a hint of emotions he struggles to keep hidden.

As I stare into those eyes, a flood of feelings overwhelms me. Love and hate intertwine in my heart, an internal conflict reflected in my gaze.

"She is safe, far from here!" I assert with a firm voice, but internally waver, aware of my present duality.

Máterum seems to ignore the harshness in my words. He extends his hand towards me, his fingers almost touching my hair. In this gesture, I see a glimpse of the loving father he used to be, a tenderness I haven't seen for a long time.

I stare at his hand, struggling with the conflicting feelings that stir my heart. Part of me longs to yield to that paternal tenderness, to feel the love and protection that only Máterum could offer. However, the bitterness and hurt I carry form an invisible barrier. They keep me alert, reminding me of the wounds he caused over the years.

My posture, though defensive, reveals the internal battle I face. Every muscle in my body is tense, ready for action, but my eyes betray the vulnerability I try to hide.

"Korla! Toihid! Térax! Go after her!" Máterum's order breaks the duality, awakening me to the frightening reality: my sister is in danger. The urgency of the situation pushes me into action. Quickly, I move away from him, my hands plunging into the bag in search of weaponry, finding the sharp wooden stakes, and with a fluid and swift movement, I throw them at my opponents.

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