The Void of the Universe - Part I

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Absolute silence permeates the dark void, where the darkness is so dense that it seems to swallow any notion of seeing, touching, or feeling. The only tangible presence is sound, a deafening chaos of voices, cries, and whispers echoing from beyond, so intimate to the ears that they become screams. Tumultuous images flood my mind, an incessant deluge of millions of fragments per second, each carrying an ephemeral and painful glimpse of other people's memories.

An exhausted and hoarse voice breaks the cacophony with a question fueled by desperation and fatigue, screaming while wielding a grand golden sword that reflects a ghostly glow in the void: - WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!

In contrast, a frail and trembling voice, full of fear and suffocation, begs for help, its words muffled by its own blood: - Please, someone!

Surprise and disbelief tint the voice of another, who drops his weapon on the ground with a resonant metallic sound, almost disbelieving his own words: - He's alive.

Sadness permeates another's voice, a deep and tearing melancholy as he holds his beloved in his arms, his voice a gentle lament: - She didn't survive.

Each voice, each image, brings with it a distinct emotional weight, with feelings that envelop and consume me. The cacophony becomes unbearable, and in a desperate impulse, I cry out to the void, my voice echoing in a space without physical form: - Shut up! Stop talking! Stop!

And, surprisingly, the Void responds. An ethereal voice whispers directly into my mind, a word that reverberates with unknown meaning: - Void!

- Void? - I question, trying to understand the meaning of this word.

The name "Void" echoes repeatedly, each repetition more distant than the previous, until, abruptly, a sepulchral silence sets in. I then observe, with fascination and caution, a reddish mist forming, slowly emerging from the darkness horizon, like the harbinger of a new mystery.

- What place is this? - I ask the void, intrigued by this unknown dimension.

The answer comes as a whisper. - Vermo! Vermo.

Perplexity increases, and with it, an urgent need to understand my own existence in this enigmatic place. - Who am I? What am I doing here?

Without warning, the reality around me dissolves and reconstructs into something new, an arid and clear environment, where trillions of red grains lie scattered, as if the ground were covered with tiny rubies. Bringing my hand to my forehead to shield my eyes from the intense light, I ask, my voice almost a lost whisper in the immense desert: - Where am I now?

The void responds, its voice a distant and enigmatic melody within my mind: - Arcríris.

Moved by curiosity, my eyes scan the horizon until something catches my attention. Raising my voice in apprehension, I inquire: - What is that?

Before my eyes, a solitary figure lies fallen among the red grains. Approaching cautiously, I perceive an extraordinary-looking being, with blonde hair that stands out vividly against the red of the desert. Its presence makes me question again, my voice choked with surprise: - What is this being?

And, from the void, comes the answer in a whisper: - A god.

My eyes fix on the fallen god, who raises a bloodied hand in a desperate gesture of supplication. His silent plea deeply affects me, awakening in me a feeling of compassion. Paralyzed, I stare at the divine figure, while struggling to understand the significance of this encounter.

"The blue of the eyes buried in the redness of the sands"

In front of the agonizing being, a mysterious understanding settles in my consciousness, as if a veil has been lifted from my internal eyes, making me aware that I am of the same species as the being.

The Chronicles of Marum - The PrimordialOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora